Command line arguments and exit codes

Call syntax

The call syntax for interactive and batch mode varies widely since some command line arguments are specific to interactive mode or batch mode or even sub-modes of batch mode. Note that all of the arguments have sensible default values which you only need to override for special cases. In most cases you'll only need to execute either qftest [<suite> | <run log>]* to run QF-Test in interactive mode, or qftest -batch [-runlog [<file>]] [-report <directory>] <suite> to execute a test in batch mode.

5.2+ For maximum flexibility the names of all QF-Test arguments are case-insensitive and embedded '-', '_', '.' and ':' characters are ignored, so -report.html is equivalent to --reportHtml or -report-html. The latter is the officially documented form because it avoids conflicts with Windows PowerShell.

WindowsThe program qftest.exe is a Windows GUI application. When started from a command shell, it will not wait for QF-Test to terminate but return immediately. Thus, when executing a test in batch mode, you cannot see whether QF-Test has finished or not (you may put the command into a .bat file to deal with this behaviour). Furthermore you won't see any output from QF-Test in the console window when using qftest.exe. For both reasons you may prefer to utilize the qftestc.exe Console application when launching QF-Test from a command shell: It waits for QF-Test to terminate and print output from Server scripts will be displayed in the console window. Apart from that, everything said about qftest.exe in this chapter holds true for qftestc.exe too.

Mac In case the macOS App is used those parameters can be defined directly in QF-Test via »Edit«-»Options« under General->Startup (please also see the macOS specific note under Starting QF-Test).

Interactive mode
The full call syntax for interactive mode is:
qftest [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>]] [-daemon] [-daemonhost <host>] [-daemonport <port>] [-daemonrmiport <port>] [-dontkillprocesses] [-engine <engine>] [-groovydir <directory>] [-help] [-ipv6] [-javascriptdir <directory>] [-jythondir <directory>] [-jythonport <number>] [-keybindings <value>] [-keystore <keystore file>] [-keypass <keystore password>] [-libpath <path>] [-license <file>] [-license-waitfor <seconds>] [-logdir <directory>] [-noplugins] [-noupdatecheck] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-plugindir <directory>] [-port <number>] [-reuse] [-run] [-runlogdir <directory>] [-runtime] [-serverhost <host>] [-shell <executable>] [-shellarg <argument>] [-suitesfile <file>] [-systemcfg <file>] [-systemdir <directory>] [-tempdir <directory>] [-test <n>|<ID>]* [-usercfg <file>] [-userdir <directory>] [-variable <name>=<value>]* [-version] [<suite> | <run log>]*

There are several sub-modes for running QF-Test in batch mode. The default is to execute one or more test suites. Alternatively QF-Test can be invoked to create test documentation from test suites or reports from run logs. QF-Test can also be run in daemon mode where it sits in the background waiting for calls from the outside telling it what to do (see chapter 55 for further information about the daemon mode). Finally, showing help or version information can also be seen as separate sub-modes.

Test execution

To execute one or more test suites and create a run log and/or report as a result, use:

qftest -batch [-run] [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>]] [-clearglobals] [-compact] [-engine <engine>] [-exitcode-ignore-exception] [-exitcode-ignore-error] [-exitcode-ignore-warning] [-groovydir <directory>] [-ipv6] [-javascriptdir <directory>] [-jythondir <directory>] [-jythonport <number>] [-keystore <keystore file>] [-keypass <keystore password>] [-libpath <path>] [-license <file>] [-license-waitfor <seconds>] [-logdir <directory>] [-nolog] [-nomessagewindow] [-noplugins] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-plugindir <directory>] [-port <number>] [-report <directory>] [-report-checks] [-report-customdir <directory>] [-report-doctags] [-report-errors] [-report-exceptions] [-report-html <directory>] [-report-ignorenotimplemented] [-report-ignoreskipped] [-report-junit <directory>] [-report-name <name>] [-report-nodeicons] [-report-passhtml] [-report-piechart] [-report-include-suitename] [-report-scale-thumbnails <percent>] [-report-teststeps] [-report-thumbnails] [-report-warnings] [-report-xml <directory>] [-runid <ID>] [-runlogdir <directory>] [-runlog [<file>]] [-runtime] [-serverhost <host>] [-shell <executable>] [-shellarg <argument>] [-sourcedir <directory>] [-suitesfile <file>] [-splitlog] [-systemcfg <file>] [-systemdir <directory>] [-test <n>|<ID>]* [-threads <number>] [-userdir <directory>] [-variable <name>=<value>]* [-verbose [<level>]] <suite>+
Test execution via QF-Test daemon

The following parameters can be specified when executing a test case by calling a daemon:

qftest -batch -calldaemon [-cleanup] [-clearglobals] [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-daemonhost <host>] [-daemonport <port>] [-exitcode-ignore-exception] [-exitcode-ignore-error] [-exitcode-ignore-warning] [-ipv6] [-keystore <keystore file>] [-keypass <keystore password>] [-nomessagewindow] [-ping] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-runid <ID>] [-runlogdir <directory>] [-runlog [<file>]] [-startclean] [-startsut] [-stopclean] [-stoprun] [-systemdir <directory>] [-suitedir <dir>] [-systemdir <directory>] [-terminate] [-timeout <milliseconds>] [-userdir <directory>] [-variable <name>=<value>]* [-verbose [<level>]] <suite#test case>
Change the XML format of existing test suites
qftest -batch -convertxml [-convertxml-indent <number>] [-convertxml-linelength <number>] [-convertxml-utf8 <true|false>] (<suite> | <directory>)+
Create test documentation

Package or test case documentation can be create for one or more test suites or whole directories. This is described further in chapter 24. The command line syntax is:

qftest -batch -gendoc [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-license <file>] [-license-waitfor <seconds>] [-nomessagewindow] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-pkgdoc <directory>] [-pkgdoc-dependencies] [-pkgdoc-doctags] [-pkgdoc-html <directory>] [-pkgdoc-includelocal] [-pkgdoc-nodeicons] [-pkgdoc-passhtml] [-pkgdoc-sortpackages] [-pkgdoc-sortprocedures] [-pkgdoc-xml <directory>] [-sourcedir <directory>] [-systemdir <directory>] [-testdoc <directory>] [-testdoc-doctags] [-testdoc-followcalls] [-testdoc-html <directory>] [-testdoc-nodeicons] [-testdoc-passhtml] [-testdoc-sorttestcases] [-testdoc-sorttestsets] [-testdoc-teststeps] [-testdoc-xml <directory>] (<suite> | <directory>)+
Create a report from run logs

To create a report from one or more run logs or whole directories use:

qftest -batch -genreport [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-license <file>] [-license-waitfor <seconds>] [-nomessagewindow] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-report <directory>] [-report-checks] [-report-customdir <directory>] [-report-doctags] [-report-errors] [-report-exceptions] [-report-html <directory>] [-report-ignorenotimplemented] [-report-ignoreskipped] [-report-junit <directory>] [-report-name <name>] [-report-nodeicons] [-report-passhtml] [-report-piechart] [-report-include-suitename] [-report-scale-thumbnails <percent>] [-report-teststeps] [-report-thumbnails] [-report-warnings] [-report-xml <directory>] [-runlogdir <directory>] (<run log> | <directory>)+
Daemon mode

To run QF-Test in daemon mode as described chapter 55 use:

qftest -batch -daemon [-dbg] [-java <executable> (deprecated)] [-noconsole] [-J<java-argument>]* [-daemonhost <host>] [-daemonport <port>] [-daemonrmiport <port>] [-engine <engine>] [-groovydir <directory>] [-ipv6] [-javascriptdir <directory>] [-jythondir <directory>] [-jythonport <number>] [-keystore <keystore file>] [-keypass <keystore password>] [-libpath <path>] [-license <file>] [-license-waitfor <seconds>] [-logdir <directory>] [-nolog] [-nomessagewindow] [-noplugins] [-option <name>=<value>] [-options <file>] [-plugindir <directory>] [-port <number>] [-runtime] [-serverhost <host>] [-shell <executable>] [-shellarg <argument>] [-splitlog] [-systemcfg <file>] [-systemdir <directory>] [-userdir <directory>] [-variable <name>=<value>]*
Import one test suite into another
qftest -batch -import [-import-from <test suite>] [-import-into <test suite>] [-import-components] [-import-procedures] [-import-tests]
Analyze references of a test suite
qftest -batch -analyze [-analyze-target <directory>] [-suitedir <dir>] [-analyze-references] [-analyze-duplicates] [-analyze-invalidchar] [-analyze-emptynodes] [-analyze-components] [-analyze-procedures] [-analyze-dependencies] [-analyze-tests] [-analyze-packages] [-remove-unused-callables] [-remove-unused-components] [-analyze-transitive] [-analyze-followincludes] (<suite> | <directory>)+
Merging run logs
qftest -batch -mergelogs [-mergelogs-mode [<mode>]] [-mergelogs-usefqn] [-mergelogs-resultlog [<file>]] [-mergelogs-masterlog [<file>]] (<run log> | <directory>)+
Get version information
qftest -batch -version
Cleanly terminate one specific QF-Test instance running on the local system (see -allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>])
qftest -batch -shutdown <ID> 4711
Pause the current test run on the local system
qftest -batch -interrupt-running-instances [-timeout <milliseconds>]
Compress images in an existing test suite
qftest -batch -compress <suite>+
Get help
qftest -batch -help

Command line arguments

Command line arguments for QF-Test fall in three categories. They can be mixed freely.

Arguments for the starter script

These arguments are evaluated directly by the qftest shell script or executable and override settings determined during installation. On Linux these settings are stored in the file launcher.cfg in QF-Test's system directory, on Windows the file is called launcherwin.cfg.

Run QF-Test in batch mode. This causes QF-Test to load and execute a test suite directly and finish with an exit code that represents the result of the test run.
Turn on debugging output for the starter script. The same effect is achieved by setting the environment variable QFTEST_DEBUG to a non-empty value. On Windows this causes QF-Test to open a console window to display the output that would otherwise be invisible unless the argument -noconsole is also given. This also turns on debugging output for the qfclient and java helper programs when using the old connection mechanism (see chapter 46).
-java <executable> (deprecated)
The Java executable used to run QF-Test. The default is java on Linux and javaw.exe on Windows, unless a different value was set during installation. This argument will be removed in a future version of QF-Test.
-noconsole (Windows only)
On Windows this argument suppresses the console window that would otherwise be opened in case -dbg is specified.
Arguments for the Java VM

You can pass arguments to the Java VM through the starter script by prepending them with -J, e.g. -J-Duser.language=en to set a system property. To set the classpath, prepend -J only to the -cp or -classpath argument, not to the actual value, e.g. -J-classpath myclasses.jar. When setting the classpath this way, QF-Test's own jar archives need not to be taken into account.

Arguments for QF-Test

The rest of the arguments are handled by QF-Test itself when it is executed by the Java virtual machine. These arguments can also be placed in a file using the syntax <name>=<value> for arguments with parameters or <name>=true or <name>=false to turn a simple argument on or off. By default this file is called qftest.options, located in the bin directory of QF-Test and used only for internal logging purposes. If you change anything in this file, you can move it to QF-Test's system directory so your changes will still apply after upgrading. Alternatively you can use the -options <file> argument to specify a different file. Arguments given on the command line override arguments from an option file except for those which can be given multiple times. In the latter case the arguments are merged.

Deprecated, use -allow-shutdown without shutdown ID instead.
-allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>]
Explicitly specifies that this QF-Test instance can be cleanly terminated via a batch call with the -shutdown <ID> argument. An optional string argument can be provided as shutdown ID which allows selective process termination without knowing the process ID. The shutdown ID must contain at least one non-numeric character to be distinguishable from the numerical process ID. If -allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>] has not been specified on the command line, a running QF-Test process can only be terminated cleanly by means of the process ID. The argument -allow-shutdown false prohibits all clean termination of the QF-Test instance, even if -shutdown <ID> is used with the correct process ID.
-analyze (batch mode only)
Run the static validation of test suites. Analyzing results are stored to a given file.
-analyze-target <directory> (batch mode only)
The target folder, where the result file should be created.
-analyze-references (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing references the given test suite.
-analyze-duplicates (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing duplicates of the given test suite.
-analyze-invalidchar (batch mode only)
Checks the given test suite for invalid characters in node names.
-analyze-emptynodes (batch mode only)
Checks the given test suite for empty nodes.
-analyze-components (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing components of the given test suite.
-analyze-dependencies (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing dependency references of the given test suite.
-analyze-procedures (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing procedure calls of the given test suite.
-analyze-tests (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing test calls of the given test suite.
-analyze-packages (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing packages of the given test suite.
-remove-unused-callables (batch mode only)
Switch to remove unused callable nodes.
-remove-unused-components (batch mode only)
Switch to remove unused components.
-analyze-transitive (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing references and calls transitively, i.e. follow the calls and analyze its content also.
-analyze-followincludes (batch mode only)
Switch for analyzing all included test suites of the given test suite.
-calldaemon (batch mode only)
Connect to a running QF-Test daemon to execute a test case.
-cleanup (calldaemon mode only)
With this argument all TestRunDaemons belonging to a daemon are cleaned up and all clients killed before running the test.
-clearglobals (batch mode and calldaemon mode only)
If more than one test suite is specified for batch execution, clear global variables and resources before the execution of each test suite. Can also be used in calldaemon mode to clear globals before assigning variables from the command line and starting the test and, if used in combination with -stopclean, to clear globals after the test.
-compact (batch mode only)
Create a compact run log which retains only those branches and nodes that contain warnings, errors, exceptions or other information that is relevant to the report. This is equivalent to activating the option Create compact run log in interactive mode. Ignored if log file creation is suppressed with -nolog.
-compress (batch mode only)
Loss-free compresses the images in an existing test suite.
-convertxml (batch mode only)
Run in batch mode to automatically convert the XML file format of test suites according to the following arguments or options.
-convertxml-indent <number> (convertxml mode only)
Number of blank characters to use per level of indentation. If not specified the value of the option Number of blanks for indentation when saving test suites is used.
-convertxml-linelength <number> (convertxml mode only)
Maximum length of lines containing XML attributes. If not specified the value of the option Line length for saving test suites is used.
-convertxml-utf8 <true|false> (convertxml mode only)
Whether to save the converted suites with UTF-8 (value true) or ISO-8859-1 encoding (value false). If not specified the value of the option Use UTF-8 encoding for saving test suites is used.
Run QF-Test in daemon mode. Further information is provided in chapter 55.
-daemonhost <host> (daemon or calldaemon mode only)
In calldaemon mode, specify the host where to locate the QF-Test daemon. The default is localhost. When starting a daemon, either in interactive or in batch mode, this parameter defines the hostname or IP address that daemon objects use at RMI level. The default in this case is chosen by Java, typically the IP address of the primary local network interface.
-daemonport <port>
Specify the registry port for the QF-Test daemon to listen on and to connect to respectively. The default is 3543 or the port defined with -port <number>.
-daemonrmiport <port>
Specify the port that the QF-Test daemon should use for RMI communication. Useful only when running the daemon behind a firewall. When running unprotected without SSL (see section 55.3) this can be identical to the daemon port specified with -daemonport <port>. If using SSL, two different ports are required.
-dontkillprocesses (batch mode only)
When finishing batch execution, don't explicitly kill processes started by QF-Test as part of the tests. However, whether or not a sub-process of QF-Test survives QF-Test's exit is system-dependent.
-engine <engine>
Specify which engine license(s) to use. This option is only useful in case the QF-Test license contains a mix of GUI engine(s) with different numbers of engine licenses. In that case it may be necessary to specify the engine license(s) to use in order to prevent license conflicts with colleagues using the same license. Possible values are "all" to use all supported licenses, "ask" to bring up a dialog for engine selection or any combination of "awt" for AWT/Swing, "fx" for JavaFX, "swt" for SWT or "web" for Web, e.g. "awt,web". This is explained in more detail in subsection 41.1.9.
-exitcode-ignore-exception (batch and calldaemon mode)
For exit code calculation exceptions, errors and warnings are ignored. This means if exceptions, errors or warnings occurred during a test run the exit code will be 0. This option is helpful when integrating QF-Test with build tools that rate a build as failed dependent on the the exit code.
-exitcode-ignore-error (batch and calldaemon mode)
For exit code calculation errors and warnings are ignored. This means if just errors and warnings occurred during a test run the exit code will be 0. This option is helpful when integrating QF-Test with build tools that rate a build as failed dependent on the the exit code.
-exitcode-ignore-warning (batch and calldaemon mode)
For exit code calculation warnings are ignored. This means if just warnings occurred during a test run the exit code will be 0. This option is helpful when integrating QF-Test with build tools that rate a build as failed dependent on the the exit code.
-gendoc (batch mode only)
Tell QF-Test that this batch run serves to create test documentation from test suites.
-genreport (batch mode only)
Tell QF-Test that this batch run serves to create a report from run logs.
-groovydir <directory>
This argument overrides the default location of the directory for additional Groovy modules. The default directory called groovy is located under QF-Test's system directory.
Show help about available command line arguments.
-import (batch mode only)
Import a given test suite into another one. This mode can be used to merge two test suites.
-import-from <test suite> (batch mode only)
The source test suite, which should be imported into another one.
-import-into <test suite> (batch mode only)
The target tests-suite for importing.
-import-components (batch mode only)
Switch for merging components of two given test suites.
-import-procedures (batch mode only)
Switch for merging packages and procedures of two given test suites.
-import-tests (batch mode only)
Switch for merging test cases and test sets of two given test suites.
-interrupt-running-instances (batch mode only)
Interrupt a test run on the current system and brings up a dialog which allows to pause or to interrupt the current test run.
QF-Test uses only IPv4 communication, so by default IPv6 support is disabled at Java level which can reduce startup time significantly. In case you need to enable IPv6 support in QF-Test, for example for use within a plugin, you can use this argument.
-javascriptdir <directory>
This argument overrides the default location of the directory for additional JavaScript modules. The default directory called javascript is located under QF-Test's system directory.
-jythondir <directory>
This argument overrides the default location of the directory for additional Jython modules. The default directory called jython is located under QF-Test's system directory.
-jythonport <number>
Tell the embedded Jython interpreter to listen for TCP connections at the specified port. You can then use telnet to connect to that port and get an interactive Jython command line.
-keybindings <value> (interactive mode only)
Currently used only for macOS to switch between the new default Mac bindings (value system) or the old, Windows oriented QF-Test bindings (value classic).
-keystore <keystore file>
An alternative keystore file to use for securing daemon communication with SSL. See section 55.3 for details. To disable SSL by specifying no keystore, use this argument in the form -keystore=.
-keypass <keystore password>
The password for the keystore file used for securing daemon communication with SSL. See section 55.3 for details.
Deprecated, use -shutdown all instead.
-libpath <path>
Override the library path option (Directories holding test suite libraries). The directories of the library path should be separated by the standard path separator character for the system, i.e. ';' for Windows and ':' for Linux. QF-Test's include directory will automatically be appended to the path.
-license <file>
Set the location of the license file (see section 1.5).
-license-waitfor <seconds>;
Specify an interval in seconds to wait during QF-Test startup in case a license is not immediately available. This timeout is also in effect when renewing a lease from the QF-Test license server and the server is temporarily unavailable.
-logdir <directory>
This argument overrides the default location of the directory into which QF-Test saves its internal log files. The default log directory is called log and located under QF-Test's system directory.
-mergelogs (batch mode only)
Tell QF-Test that this batch run serves to merge several run logs. You can find a detailed description at subsection 7.1.9.
-mergelogs-masterlog [<file>] (batch mode only)
The path to the run log which will act as master run log for log mering, if the run log should be patched with newer results. Use this switch, if you want to replace individual test cases in that run log with results from a rerun.
-mergelogs-mode [<mode>] (batch mode only)
Specifies the mode how run logs should be merged based in the main run log, specified with the -mergelogs-masterlog [<file>] switch. You can specify the modes "replace", "merge" and "append". "replace" takes the new results and overwrites the existing test cases from the main run log. "merge" adds the new test cases to main run log and "append" simply adds the new run log to the main run log.
-mergelogs-resultlog [<file>] (batch mode only)
The path to the run log which will contain the merged results of the master run log and the new run logs with updates. So, this will be the new and clean run log file.
-mergelogs-usefqn (batch mode only)
Use that switch, if the full qualified name of test cases should be used in case of merging run logs. Otherwise only the name of test cases will be used without test set names.
-nolog (batch mode only)
Suppress the automatic creation of a run log. If any of -runlog [<file>], -report <directory>, -report-html <directory>, -report-xml <directory> or -report-junit <directory> is given, this argument is ignored. This option is retained for backwards compatibility only. To keep memory use manageable, split run logs should be used instead (see -splitlog).
-nomessagewindow (batch mode only)
In case of a fatal error in batch mode QF-Test prints an error message to the console and for improved visibility also brings up an error dialog for about 30 seconds. That dialog can be suppressed with the help of this argument. Batch commands that don't require an actual display, i.e. all batch commands that do not execute tests, will run in AWT headless mode if this argument is specified.
Prevent from loading plugins in QF-Test as well as in clients. This may help to debug problems caused by plugins.
Using this argument disables the automatic update check. This overrides the update options (see subsection 41.1.10).
-option <name>=<value>
Specifies options. -option <name>=<value> sets a value of the option with a name <name> to <value>. This argument can be given more than once to set several options.
-options <file>
Override the location of the file used to specify additional command line arguments. This argument can be given more than once to use several sources of command line arguments.
-ping (calldaemon mode only)
Use this option, if you want to check whether a daemon is up and running.
-pkgdoc <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates both HTML and XML pkgdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-pkgdoc-dependencies (batch mode only)
Whether to list dependencies when creating the pkgdoc documentation. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-dependencies=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-doctags (batch mode only)
Whether to use the QFS doctag extensions when creating the pkgdoc documentation. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-doctags=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-html <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates HTML pkgdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-pkgdoc-includelocal (batch mode only)
Whether to include local packages and procedures (those whose names begin with an '_'). Default is false.
-pkgdoc-nodeicons (batch mode only)
Whether to show icons for nodes in the pkgdoc documentation. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-nodeicons=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-passhtml (batch mode only)
Whether to pass HTML tags in comments through to the HTML pkgdoc. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-passhtml=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-sortpackages (batch mode only)
Whether to sort packages alphabetically. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-sortpackages=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-sortprocedures (batch mode only)
Whether to sort procedures alphabetically. Default is true, use -pkgdoc-sortprocedures=false to disable.
-pkgdoc-splitparagraph (batch mode only)
Specifies whether comments are splitted into paragraphs by using empty lines. Default is true, with -pkgdoc-splitparagraph=false it is possible to disable this option.
-pkgdoc-stylesheet <file> (batch mode only)
Optional XSLT Stylesheet for the second step of the transformation.
-pkgdoc-xml <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates XML pkgdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-plugindir <directory>
This argument overrides the default location of the directory for plugins, jar files that should be made accessible to scripts. The default directory called plugin is located under QF-Test's system directory. See section 50.2 for more information about plugins.
-port <number>
The TCP port on which QF-Test communicates with the SUT. By default QF-Test uses an arbitrary dynamic port where it creates its own RMI registry. A specific port should only be requested if it must be hard-coded when starting the SUT.
-report <directory> (batch mode only)
Create a combined XML/HTML report. The directory name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
-report-checks (batch mode only)
Whether to list checks in the report. Default is false. Please note: the argument refers only to checks with default result handling, i.e. just logging to the run log, not setting a variable or throwing an exception. For more information please see subsection 24.1.2.
-report-customdir <directory> (batch mode only)
Directory containing css stylesheets and icons for custom reports.
-report-doctags (batch mode only)
Whether to use the QFS doctag extensions when creating the report. Default is true, use -report-doctags=false to disable.
-report-errors (batch mode only)
Whether to list errors in the report. Default is true, use -report-errors=false to disable.
-report-exceptions (batch mode only)
Whether to list exceptions in the report. Default is true, use -report-exceptions=false to disable.
-report-html <directory> (batch mode only)
Create an HTML report. The directory name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
-report-ignorenotimplemented (batch mode only)
Whether to ignore nodes that are not implemented in the report in which case the legend and respective columns for not implemented tests are also not shown. Default is false.
-report-ignoreskipped (batch mode only)
Whether to ignore skipped nodes in the report in which case the legend and respective columns for skipped tests are also not shown. Default is false.
-report-junit <directory> (batch mode only)
Create a report in JUnit XML format as understood by many Continuous Integration Tools. The directory name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
-report-name <name> (batch mode only)
Specify the name for the report, meaning its identifier, not a file name. Default is the runid. The name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
-report-nodeicons (batch mode only)
Whether to show icons for nodes in the report. Default is true, use -report-nodeicons=false to disable.
-report-passhtml (batch mode only)
Whether to pass HTML tags in comments through to the HTML report. Default is true, -report-passhtml=false to disable.
-report-piechart (batch mode only)
Whether to create a pie chart in the top part of the HTML report. Default is true, -report-piechart=false to disable.
-report-include-suitename (batch mode only)
Whether to use the value of the Name attribute of the Test suite step as label of a testsuite in the HTML report. Default is true, -report-include-suitename=false to use the file name instead.
-report-scale-thumbnails <percent> (batch mode only)
How to scale thumbnail images for screenshots in the error listings of the report. A plain integer value is interpreted as percent of the original image size. Since QF-Test version 9.0 the preferred alternative is a string of the form <width>x<height> that causes images to be scaled proportionally so that neither the given width nor height are exceeded. Default is 140x70.
-report-teststeps (batch mode only)
Whether to list test steps in the report. Default is true, use -report-teststeps=false to disable.
-report-thumbnails (batch mode only)
Whether to display thumbnail images for screenshots in the error listings of the report. Default is false.
-report-warnings (batch mode only)
Whether to show warning information in the report. Default is true.
-report-xml <directory> (batch mode only)
Create an XML report. The directory name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
-reuse (interactive mode only)
This argument is used mainly when launching QF-Test from a desktop icon or the Windows explorer through a file association. It tells the newly started QF-Test instance to search for an already running version of QF-Test and ask that to open the given file(s). If another instance can be reused in that way, the newly started program will terminate immediately and new windows for the file(s) will be opened by the old instance.
-run (interactive and batch mode)
If this parameter is set for the interactive mode, it will directly start the specified test suites or tests after launching QF-Test. Using it in batch mode explicitly tells QF-Test that this batch run is for actual test execution as opposed to generating documentation or a report. As this is the default operation for batch mode this argument can be omitted.
-runid <ID> (batch and calldaemon mode)
Specify an ID for the test run. The ID may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4 and will itself serve as a replacement for the placeholder %i/+i.
-runlog [<file>] (batch and calldaemon mode)
Save the run log in the given file. The optional filename may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4. If no filename is given, it is composed of the basename of the suite and a timestamp. If missing, the extension .qrz is added automatically and the run log is saved compressed. Otherwise the extension .qrl or .qrz determines compression. Even without this argument a run log is created unless suppressed with -nolog or when a report is generated. The default value is %p%b.qrz. In calldaemon mode, a run log will be stored only if a (local) filename is specified.
-runlogdir <directory>
In interactive mode this argument overrides the option Directory for run logs at a special layer for command line arguments. If specified, interactively changing the option has no effect whereas changing it at script level is still possible. In batch mode this directory serves as the target base directory for saving run logs unless the filename of the run logs specified with -runlog [<file>] is an absolute path. If this argument is given and a report is generated, the files in the report will be laid out according to the structure of the run logs relative to this directory. The directory name may contain placeholders as explained in subsection 44.2.4.
Use a runtime license only. In batch mode, QF-Test will normally use a runtime license (or multiple runtime licenses if -threads <number> is given). If not enough free runtime licenses are available, full development licenses will be used instead unless -runtime is given in which case no development license is used and QF-Test will fail with an error message. In interactive mode, if -runtime is given, QF-Test will use a runtime license instead of a full development license. In that mode, any test suite can be loaded and tests can be run interactively as usual, including debugging support. Saving of test suites will be disabled, however, though test suites can be modified for temporary experiments.
-shell <executable>
The shell to use when executing a Execute shell command node. Default for Linux is /bin/sh, for Windows COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe.
-shellarg <argument>
The argument that causes the shell specified with -shell <executable> to execute the following argument and then exit. For Linux shells this is typically -c, COMMAND.COM and cmd.exe expect /c. If you have Linux tools installed on Windows and specify sh or bash as the shell to use, don't forget to change -shellarg <argument> to -c.
-shutdown <ID> (batch mode only)
Cleanly terminates the QF-Test instance with the given process ID (only digits) or shutdown ID on the local system, if allowed (see -allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>]). In batch mode this means that a running test is stopped, connected clients are terminated, the run log is saved, and the QF-Test instance terminates with the exit code -12. If QF-Test is running interactively, all open testsuites are closed without saving modifications. In special cases this might be useful, especially if auto-save is configured in a meaningful way (see Auto-save interval (s)). The special shutdown ID all terminates all running QF-Test processes that were started with the -allow-shutdown [<shutdown ID>] argument to explicitly allow that.
-serverhost <host>
Set the host name or IP address for communication between QF-Test and the SUT. You may need to do this when running QF-Test and the SUT on different machines or if you experience troubles with reverse name lookup. The default is to use the loopback interface. To use the primary network interface of the local host, specify -serverhost= with an empty value.
-sourcedir <directory> (batch mode only)
If this argument is given and a report is generated, the files in the report will be laid out according to the structure of the test suites relative to this directory unless -runlogdir <directory> is also specified. In any case, the directory of a test suite listed in the report will only be listed if this argument is specified and the test suite is located below this directory.
-splitlog (batch mode only)
In batch mode split run logs (see subsection 7.1.6) are enabled by default and can be turned off via -splitlog=false. If -splitlog is explicitly specified without parameter, the default extension for run logs is changed from .qrz to .qzp so as to create split run logs in ZIP format. The same can be achieved by specifying the name of the run log explicitly with the desired extension.
-startclean (calldaemon mode only)
With this argument all contexts of the shared TestRunDaemon are cleaned up and released before running the test.
-startsut (only for internal use)
This argument is used to start a client application on a remote host. You should not work with this argument directly. The standard library qfs.qft contains a procedure qfs.daemon.startRemoteSUT which can be use for this purpose.
-stopclean (calldaemon mode only)
With this argument all contexts of the shared TestRunDaemon are cleaned up and released after running the test.
-stoprun (calldaemon mode only)
Stop a running test executed by the Daemon on the given host and port. This argument can be combined with -cleanup or -stopclean.
-suitedir <dir> (calldaemon mode only)
Specify the (remote) directory where the QF-Test Daemon looks for test suites. Use an absolute path when specifying the test to execute, if this argument is not given.
-suitesfile <file> (interactive and batch mode)
Specify a text file containing test suites or test cases to be executed. You should specify one test suite per line. Individual test cases can be added as for the the -test <n>|<ID> argument. You can find some samples in the table below.
Entries in file Description
Both test suites will be executed.
Test suite suite1.qft will be executed completely
and test case 'id-tc1' of suite2.qft will be executed.
-test tc1
-test tc2
Test cases tc1 and tc2 of suite1.qft will be executed.
Table 44.1:  Samples -suitesfile <file>
-systemcfg <file>
Set the location of the system configuration file (see section 1.6).
-systemdir <directory>
Override the location of the directory holding the system configuration files (see section 1.6) including optional plugins and scripting modules. If any of -systemcfg <file>, -plugindir <directory>, -jythondir <directory>, -groovydir <directory> or -javascriptdir <directory> are also specified they have precedence.
-tempdir <directory> (interactive mode only)
Can be used to specify a temporary directory which is needed on Windows only for the context sensitive help system. By default the values of the environment variables TEMP and TMP are tried.
-terminate (calldaemon mode only)
Use this option, if you want to terminate a running QF-Test daemon.
-test <n>|<ID> (interactive and batch mode)
Without this argument all the top-level tests of the suite are executed one after the other. Using -test <n>|<ID>, you can select specific tests. An arbitrary node located anywhere in a test suite can be accessed by its QF-Test ID. Test case or Test set nodes can be referenced also by their qualified name. Top-level tests can also be selected by their index, the index for the first test being 0. You can use this argument multiple times, even for the same test.
-testdoc <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates both HTML and XML testdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-testdoc-doctags (batch mode only)
Whether to use the QFS doctag extensions when creating the testdoc documentation. Default is true, use -testdoc-doctags=false to disable.
-testdoc-followcalls (batch mode only)
By default QF-Test ignores Test call nodes during testdoc creation. With this argument the target Test case, Test set or whole test suite are processed as if they were part of the original test suite. Thus it is possible to create a subset testdoc documentation by creating a dedicated test suite with Test calls to the required parts.
-testdoc-html <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates HTML testdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-testdoc-nodeicons (batch mode only)
Whether to show icons for nodes in the testdoc documentation. Default is true, use -testdoc-nodeicons=false to disable.
-testdoc-passhtml (batch mode only)
Whether to pass HTML tags in comments through to the HTML testdoc. Default is true, use -testdoc-passhtml=false to disable.
-testdoc-sorttestcases (batch mode only)
Whether to sort test cases alphabetically. Default is true, use -testdoc-sorttestcases=false to disable.
-testdoc-sorttestsets (batch mode only)
Whether to sort test sets alphabetically. Default is true, use -testdoc-sorttestsets=false to disable.
-testdoc-splitparagraph (batch mode only)
Specifies whether comments are splitted into paragraphs by using empty lines. Default is true, with -testdoc-splitparagraph=false it is possible to disable this option.
-testdoc-stylesheet <file> (batch mode only)
Optional XSLT Stylesheet for the second step of the transformation.
-testdoc-teststeps (batch mode only)
Whether to list test steps in the testdoc documentation. Default is true, use -testdoc-teststeps=false to disable.
-testdoc-xml <directory> (batch mode only)
With this argument QF-Test creates XML testdoc documentation. If no directory is given, it is created from the basename of the suite.
-threads <number> (batch mode only)
Run the same test suite in a number of parallel threads. Typically used for the purpose of load testing. One license is required per thread, so normally -runtime should be specified as well. See chapter 33 for more information about load tests.
-timeout <milliseconds> (batch or calldaemon mode only)
Give a timeout value in milliseconds for the test run when executing a test in batch mode or through the QF-Test daemon. Default is infinite.
-usercfg <file> (interactive mode only)
Set the location of the user configuration file (see section 1.6).
-userdir <directory>
Override the location of the directory holding the user configuration files (see section 1.6). If -usercfg <file> or -runlogdir <directory> are also specified they have precedence.
-variable <name>=<value>
To override a system or suite variable definition (see chapter 6) use this argument to set the variable named <name> to the value <value>. Using this argument multiple times you can define more than one variable.
-verbose [<level>]
Print progress and status information during a test run to the console. This is in particular useful when driving a test via -calldaemon, because the actual test usually runs on a different host where you may not be able to observe it. Note that on Windows you need to use qftestc.exe (instead of qftest.exe) to see the output. Specifying a level of verbosity is optional, possible values are all (print all nodes) and tests (default, only Test set and Test case nodes are printed out). Each level can be combined with errors (print error and exception messages) like tests,errors.
Print version information and exit.
Placeholders in the filename parameter for run log and report

The filename given in any of the command line arguments -runid <ID>, -runlog [<file>], -runlogdir <directory>, -report <directory>, -report-html <directory>, -report-name <name>, -report-xml <directory> or -report-junit <directory>, may contain placeholders of the form %X or +X (the latter must be used on Windows where '%' is a special character) where X may be any of the characters listed in the table below. QF-Test will fill in the respective value when creating the run log or report. All time values refer to the time the test was started.

Note When executing multiple test suites, be sure to include the base name of the suite in the filename by specifying %b. Otherwise only a single run log or report may be written that represents only the test run of the last test suite.

Character Replacement
% Literal '%' character.
+ Literal '+' character.
i The current runid as specified with -runid <ID>.
p The directory of the test suite relative to -sourcedir <directory>. Expands to the absolute directory in case -sourcedir <directory> is unspecified and is empty if -sourcedir <directory> is specified but the test suite is not located below it.
P The absolute directory of the test suite. May only be given at the beginning.
b The basename of the test suite, exclusive directory and .qft extension.
r The return value (or "exit code") of the test run (-runlog only).
w The number of warnings in the test run (-runlog only).
e The number of errors in the test run (-runlog only).
x The number of exceptions in the test run (-runlog only).
y The current year (2 digits).
Y The current year (4 digits).
M The current month (2 digits).
d The current day (2 digits).
h The current hour (2 digits).
m The current minute (2 digits).
s The current second (2 digits).
Table 44.2:  Placeholders in filename parameters

So if, for example, you want to save the run log in a subdirectory of your test suite directory called logs and want to include a timestamp and the exit code, use

-runlog %p/logs/%b-%y%M%d-%h%m%s-%r.qrl

Note It is possible to use %b, %p and %P for collective parameters like runid or report. This makes sense only when processing a single test suite. When processing multiple test suites, the name of the first test suite is used.

Exit codes for QF-Test

When run in interactive mode, the exit code of QF-Test is not very useful. It is either negative if QF-Test fails to start or 0.

In batch mode however the exit code expresses the result of the test run. Negative values represent fatal errors that prevent the test from being executed, while positive values stand for errors during the test run. Note that many systems only support exit codes between 0 and 255, so every exit code may have to be calculated modulo 256, i.e. -1=255, -2=254 and so on.

The following exit codes are currently defined:

Value Meaning
0 Everything OK
1 Warnings occurred during the test run
2 Errors occurred during the test run
3 Exceptions occurred during the test run
-1 Unexpected Exception
-2 Bad command line arguments
-3 Missing or invalid license
-4 Errors while setting up the RMI connection
-5 Errors while loading the test suite
-6 The test suite doesn't contain any tests
-12 The process was terminated from outside via the -shutdown <ID> batch command
Table 44.3:  Exit codes for QF-Test

Besides, there are special exit codes when running QF-Test with the -calldaemon argument:

Value Meaning
-7 Daemon could not be found
-8 Failed to get or create a TestRunDaemon
-9 Failed to get or create a run context
-10 The test could not be started
-11 The test has not ended within the given timeout
Table 44.4:  calldaemon exit codes for QF-Test