The Standard Library (Java)

Video This chapter is also available as a video tutorial at "The Standard Library".

QF-Test provides a certain number of node types. If you need additional functionality you can implement it in a script node. To make life easier for you QF-Test comes with a set of procedures implementing the most commonly needed additional functions. You will find them in the standard procedures library.

When you cannot solve a problem using the provided node types it is a good idea to have a look in the standard library whether there is a solution to your problem. If you find a similar solution you can copy the procedure and adapt it to your needs. For information about scripting please refer to the manual, chapter 12 'Scripting'.

The file qfs.qft holds the standard procedures library. As it is constantly being enhanced and distributed with every new version of QF-Test you should not make any changes to procedures in that file, but copy the procedure to your own test suite if required and then adapt it.

Note To make use of qfs.qft it needs to be included in your test suite's root node. With a newly created test suite the file qfs.qft is added automatically to the list of included files.

Note Path information is not necessary for qfs.qft as the include directory of QF-Test is contained in the library path (see also Reference part of the manual).

In addition to the description provided in this tutorial you can find the full HTML documentation of the standard library available via »Help«-»Standard Library qfs.qft...«

Inspecting the Standard Library

Selected Packages and Procedures