List of figures

The user interface
2.1  Structure of a test suite
2.2  Insertion marker
2.3  Example table
2.4  The simple search dialog
2.5  The advanced search dialog
2.6  Result list for 'Locate references'
2.7  Incremental search
2.8  The replace dialog
2.9  The replace query dialog
Quickstart your application
3.1  Quickstart Wizard
3.2  Startup sequence created by the Quickstart Wizard
3.3  GUI technology information
Capture and replay
4.1  Disabled and enabled Record button
5.1  Components of a GUI
5.2  Readability of SmartIDs
5.3  Readability of identifiers
5.4  Readability of SmartIDs in panels with description
5.5  Component tree 1
5.6  Stable component recognition - Example 1
5.7  Stable component recognition - Example 2
5.8  Using a regular expression in the Feature attribute
5.9  Component hierarchy of a Swing SUT
5.10  Component node
5.11  Extra feature attribute for component recognition via XPath or CSS selector.
5.12  An Item for a table cell
5.13  Update components dialog
5.14  UI Inspector
5.15  General information
5.16  Web-specific information
5.17   Android-specific information
5.18   Windows-specific information
5.19   Swing-specific information
5.20   FX-specific information
5.21   SWT-specific information
5.22  QF-Test specific information
6.1  Direct and fallback bindings
6.2  Definition of system variables in the options dialog
6.3  Variable example
6.4  Variable definitions
Problem analysis and debugging
7.1  A simple test and its run log
7.2  Error states in a run log
7.3  Display of duration indicators in the run log
Organizing the test suite
8.1  Test suite structure
8.2  Test structure with simple Setup and Cleanup
8.3  Test execution with simple Setup and Cleanup
8.4  Packages and Procedures
8.5  Dependency stack A-B-C
8.6  Good practice Setup node
8.7  Dependency stack A-B-D-E
8.8  Dependency with Characteristic variables
8.9  Exception in forced cleanup sequence of C causes B to clean up
8.10  Typical Cleanup node
8.11  Example Test set for name spaces
8.12  Dependency handling for test case 'Data entry by User A'
8.13  Dependency handling for test case 'Offer processing by User C'
8.14  Dependency handling for test case 'Check offer 1 in DMS'
8.15  Dependency handling for test case 'Data entry by User B'
8.16  Dependency handling for test case 'Offer processing by User D'
8.17  Dependency handling for test case 'Check offer 2 in DMS'
9.1  The project view
The standard library
10.1  Standard library qfs.qft
11.1  Detail view of a Server script with help window for rc methods
11.2  Overview of the types of variables in QF-Test
Unit Tests
12.1  Unit Test node with Java classes
12.2  Example Unit Test node with Injections
12.3  Example Unit Test node with Injections
12.4  Unit Test Report
Web testing
14.1  Cross-Browser Tests
Testing Android applications
16.1  Android studio start screen
16.2  Android studio virtual device creation screen
16.3  Android studio screen to chose a device definition
16.4  Android studio screen to download and select the system image
16.5  Android studio screen to finish the AVD configuration procedure
16.6  Android studio screen showing available AVDs
16.7  Quickstart wizard screen to select the application type
16.8  Quickstart wizard screen to select the emulate as test device
16.9  Quickstart wizard screen to select the AVD
16.10  Quickstart wizard screen to select an APK
16.11  Quickstart wizard screen to specify the client name
16.12  Android setup sequence created by the quickstart wizard
16.13  Android emulator window
16.14  Quickstart wizard screen to select the application type
16.15  Quickstart wizard screen to select the real device
16.16  Quickstart wizard screen to select a .apk file
16.17  Quickstart wizard screen to specify the client name
16.18  Android setup sequence created by the quickstart wizard
16.19  QF-Test Android recording window
16.20  Android utility procedures
Testing iOS applications
17.1  Xcode in the macOS App Store
17.2  Recommended App Store settings
17.3  Platform management in Xcode
17.4  The iOS Simulator menu
17.5  Navigate to the iOS profile trust section
17.6  Quickstart wizard screen to select the application type
17.7  Quickstart wizard screen to select the test device
17.8  Quickstart wizard screen to select an app file
17.9  Quickstart wizard screen to specify the client name
17.10  iOS setup sequence created by the quickstart wizard
17.11  QF-Test iOS recording window
17.12  iOS utility procedures
Testing PDF documents
18.1  PDF Client main window with PDF document
18.2  Check text 'default'
18.3  Check text 'Text positioned'
18.4  Check Items 'Text as items (whole page)'
18.5  Check Items 'Text positioned as items (whole page)'
18.6  Check text 'Text (whole page)'
18.7  Check text 'Text positioned (whole page)'
18.8  Check Image 'default' recording of a Text object
18.9  Check Image 'default' recording of an Image object
18.10  Check Image 'unscaled' recording of an Image object
18.11  Check Image 'scaled' recording of an Image object
Accessibility Testing
19.1  Excerpt of the run log of an axe accessibility test
19.2  Error message for the selected error
19.3  Screenshot: Overview of faulty and skipped elements
19.4  Example of settings for report generation
Testing web services
22.1  Browser send HTTP GET
22.2  GET response
Data-driven testing
23.1  A simple data-driven test
23.2  Data table example
23.3  Run log of a data-driven test
23.4  Data-driven test with nested loops
23.5  Second data table example
23.6  Run log of a data-driven test with nested loops
Reports and test documentation
24.1  Example report
Test execution
25.1  Dialog to rerun test cases
Distributed test development
26.1  Result of analyzing references
Automated Creation of Basic Procedures
27.1  Recorded procedures
27.2  The Procedure Builder definition file
Interaction with Test Management Tools
28.1  Integration with ALM - QualityCenter
28.2  QF-Test VAPI-XP-TEST test case in HP ALM - QualityCenter
28.3  In Test plan create new Test set
28.4  Create new test of type VAPI-XP-TEST
28.5  HP VAPI-XP Wizard
28.6  Test details
28.7  Copy template content to script text area
28.8  New test set in Test lab section
28.9  Add test to execution grid
28.10  Run the test
28.11  Test result
28.12  Uploaded run log
28.13  Script debug run
28.14  QF-Test run log in QMetry
Integration with Development Tools
29.1  Eclipse plugin configuration - tab 'Main'
29.2  Eclipse plugin configuration - Tab 'Settings'
29.3  Eclipse plugin configuration - Tab 'Initial Settings'
29.4  Jenkins after start-up.
29.5  Install QF-Test Plugin.
Keyword-driven testing with QF-Test
31.1  Excel file business-related keywords
31.2  Test suite business-related keywords
31.3  Procedure fillDialog
31.4  Excel file of generic components
31.5  Test suite for generic components
31.6  Test suite Behavior-driven testing technical
31.7  Test suite Behavior-driven testing from business perspective
31.8  Excel file as scenario file
31.9  Test suite scenario file
Performing GUI-based load tests
33.1  Load testing scenario
33.2  Overview load testing project
33.3  Sample test suite daemonController_twoPhases.qft
33.4  Call of rc.syncThreads in demo test suite
Executing Manual Tests in QF-Test
34.1  Example for a ManualStepDialog
Organizing test suites
37.1  Structure of multiple test suites
37.2  Including test suites of level 1
37.3  Structure of different test suites with roles
41.1  Options tree
41.2  General options
41.3  Projects
41.4  Saving test suites
41.5  Display
41.6  Editing
41.8  External tools options
41.9  Backup file options
41.10  Library options
41.11  License options
41.12  Update options
41.13  Recording options
41.14  Options for events to record
41.15  Options for events to pack
41.16  Dragging to a sub-menu
41.17  Options for recording components
41.18  Popup menu for recording components
41.19  Options for recording sub-items
41.20  Options for the recording window
41.21  Procedure Builder options
41.22  Replay options
41.23  Client options
41.24  Terminal options
41.25  Event handling options
41.26  Component recognition options
41.27  Delay options
41.28  Timeout options
41.29  Options for replay backward compatibility
41.30  SmartID und qfs:label-Optionen
41.31  Options for Android
41.32  Options for iOS Tests
41.33  Web options
41.34  Options for HTTP Requests
41.35  Options for web backward compatibility
41.36  SWT options
41.37  UI Inspector options
41.38  Debugger options
41.39  General run log options
41.40  Options for splitting run logs
41.41  Options determining run log content
41.42  Options for mapping between directories with test suites
41.43  Variable options
Elements of a test suite
42.1  Test suite attributes
42.2  Test case attributes
42.3  Test set attributes
42.4  Test call Attributes
42.5  Sequence attributes
42.6  Test step attributes
42.7  Sequence with time limit attributes
42.8  Extras attributes
42.9  Dependency attributes
42.10  Dependency reference attributes
42.11  Setup attributes
42.12  Cleanup attributes
42.13  Error handler attributes
42.14  Data driver attributes
42.15  Data table attributes
42.16  Database attributes
42.17  Excel data file attributes
42.18  CSV data file attributes
42.19  Data loop attributes
42.20  Procedure Attributes
42.21  Procedure call Attributes
42.22  Return Attributes
42.23  Package Attributes
42.24  Procedures Attributes
42.25  Loop attributes
42.26  While attributes
42.27  Break attributes
42.28  If attributes
42.29  Elseif attributes
42.30  Else attributes
42.31  Try attributes
42.32  Catch attributes
42.33  Finally attributes
42.34  Throw attributes
42.35  Rethrow attributes
42.36  Server script attributes
42.37  SUT script attributes
42.38  Start Java SUT client attributes
42.39  Start SUT client attributes
42.40  Start process attributes
42.41  Execute shell command attributes
42.42  Start web engine attributes
42.43  Start PDF client attributes
42.44  Start windows application attributes
42.45  Attach to windows application attributes
42.46  Launch Android emulator attributes
42.47  Connect to Android device Attributes
42.48  Connect to iOS device Attributes
42.49  Wait for client to connect attributes
42.50  Wait for mobile device Attributes
42.51  Open browser window attributes
42.52  Launch a mobile app attributes
42.53  Stop client attributes
42.54  Wait for process to terminate attributes
42.55  Mouse event attributes
42.56  Key event attributes
42.57  Text input attributes
42.58  Window event attributes
42.59  Component event attributes
42.60  Selection attributes
42.61  File selection attributes
42.62  Check text attributes
42.63  Boolean check attributes
42.64  Check items attributes
42.65  Check selectable items attributes
42.66  Check image attributes
42.67  Check geometry attributes
42.68  Fetch text attributes
42.69  Fetch index attributes
42.70  Fetch geometry attributes
42.71  Comment attributes
42.72  Error attributes
42.73  Warning attributes
42.74  Message attributes
42.75  Set variable attributes
42.76  Wait for component to appear attributes
42.77  Wait for document to load attributes
42.78  Wait for download to finish attributes
42.79  Load resources attributes
42.80  Load properties attributes
42.81  Unit test server attributes
42.82  Unit test client attributes
42.83  Install CustomWebResolver attributes
42.84  CustomWebResolver configuration template actions
42.85  CustomWebResolver edit menu
42.86  Server HTTP request Attribute
42.87  Browser HTTP request Attribute
42.88  Window attributes
42.89  Web page attributes
42.90  Component attributes
42.91  Item attributes
42.92  Window group attributes
42.93  Component group attributes
42.94  Windows and components attributes
42.95  Test attributes
42.96  CustomWebResolver call in Setup node of the Quickstart Wizard
Running an application from QF-Test
46.1  Starting the SUT from a script or executable
46.2  Starting the SUT through Java WebStart
46.3  Starting the SUT from a jar archive
46.4  Starting the SUT via the main class
46.5  Launch the browser process
46.6  Open the web site in the browser
46.7  Opening a PDF Document
51.1  Reduction of complexity for "CarConfigurator Web" demo
51.2  Installing the CustomWebResolver in the Setup node of the Quickstart Wizard
51.3  CustomWebResolver configuration templates
51.4  CustomWebResolver with a template for genericClasses
51.5  CustomWebResolver with two generic classes
51.6  CustomWebResolver with more complex mapping
51.7  CarConfigurator Web
51.8  CarConfigurator Web
51.9  Simplification due to simple class mapping
51.10  Recording of '-5%' button in "CarConfigurator Web" demo
51.11  Recording with genericClasses in "CarConfigurator Web"
51.12  Simplification due to advanced class mapping
51.13  Recording of SPAN text fields
51.14  Recording text fields in "CarConfigurator Web"
51.15  Simplification for complex components
51.16  Recording of a table in "CarConfigurator Web"
51.17  Recording of resolved table item in "CarConfigurator Web"
51.18  Simplification of the "CarConfigurator Web" demo
Controlling native Windows applications via the UIAuto module - without the QF-Test win engine
52.1  UI Automation procedures in the standard library
52.2  The WPF demo application
Extension APIs
54.1  Pseudo class hierarchy for web elements
Details about the algorithm for image comparison
59.1  Original image
59.2  Classic image check
59.3  Pixel-based identity check
59.4  Pixel-based similarity check
59.5  Block-based identity check
59.6  Block-based similarity check
59.7  Histogram
59.8  Analysis with Discrete Cosine Transformation
59.9  Block-based analysis with Discrete Cosine Transformation
59.10  Bilinear Filter
59.11  Image-in-image search: Expected image
59.12  Image-in-image search: Got image
Result lists
60.1  Sample result list for 'Locate references'
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
A.1  Set browser maximum memory
Keyboard shortcuts
C.1  Keyboard helper