List of tables

Installation and startup
1.1  Supported operating systems for QF-Test
1.2  Supported Java versions
1.3  Supported web browsers and toolkits
1.4  Other supported technologies
Capture and replay
4.1  Test result counter in the status line
5.1  Feature attribute special cases for web components
5.2  qfs:label* positional variants
5.3  qfs:label* variants
5.4  Addressing sub-items
5.5  Separator and index format for accessing sub-items
5.6  Indices for sub item
6.1   Definitions in the special group qftest
Organizing the test suite
8.1  Relative procedure calls
Testing native Windows applications
15.1  Supported details for a Selection
Testing PDF documents
18.1  Supported PDF objects
18.2  Color code for PDF objects
Testing web services
22.1  Supported HTTP Methods
Test execution
25.1  Choices for handling the run log of a rerun
Keyword-driven testing with QF-Test
31.1  Test case using business-related keywords
31.2  Test case using atomic keywords
31.3  Test case with Behavior-Driven Testing from a technical perspective
31.4  Test case with Behavior-Driven Testing from a business perspective
31.5  Structure of SimpleKeywords.qft
31.6  Structure of Keywords_With_Generics.qft
31.7  Necessary adaptions to your SUT
Performing GUI-based load tests
33.1  Content of load testing directory
Executing Manual Tests in QF-Test
34.1  Description of the Excel file for the definition of manual tests
34.2  Description of the Excel file with the results of manual tests
34.3  Description of the global variables in the ManualTestRunner test suite
34.4  States of manual test execution
Efficient working techniques
38.1  List of variables with autocompletion.
Elements of a test suite
42.1  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
42.2  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
42.3  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
42.4  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
42.5  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
42.6  Iteration range examples
42.7  Iteration range examples
42.8  Database drivers
42.9  Database connection strings
42.10  Iteration range examples
42.11  Iteration range examples
42.12  Iteration range examples
42.13  Condition examples
42.14  Condition examples
42.15  Condition examples
42.16  Modifier values
42.17  Modifier values
42.18  Supported SWT widgets for a Selection event
42.19  Supported DOM nodes for a Selection event
42.20  Supported DOM nodes for Electron SUTs in a Selection Event
42.21  Supported values for a Selection node for Android and iOS
42.22  Positions for gestures
42.23  Provided Check types of Check text
42.24  Provided Check types of Boolean check
42.25  Components supported by Fetch text
42.26  Components supported by Fetch geometry
42.27  Settings for "Create Screenshots"
42.28  Settings for "Create Client Screenshots"
42.29  Settings for "Create Screenshots"
42.30  Settings for "Create Client Screenshots"
42.31  Settings for "Create Screenshots"
42.32  Settings for "Create Client Screenshots"
42.33  Possible regular expressions
42.34  Injection types
42.35  Actions of the edit menu
42.36  Extra features assigned by QF-Test
42.37  Extra features assigned by QF-Test
42.38  Extra features assigned by QF-Test
42.39  Sub-items of complex Swing components
42.40  Placeholders for the Name for separate run log attribute
Command line arguments and exit codes
44.1  Samples -suitesfile <file>
44.2  Placeholders in filename parameters
44.3  Exit codes for QF-Test
44.4  calldaemon exit codes for QF-Test
Scripting (Jython, Groovy and JavaScript)
50.1  QF-Test variables for the expand parameter sample below
51.1  Mapping of Tables
51.2  Mapping of trees
51.3  Mapping of TreeTables
51.4  Mapping of Lists
51.5  Mapping of ComboBoxes
51.6  Mapping of tab panels
51.7  Supported web frameworks
51.8  Connection mode for browsers
Extension APIs
54.1  Internal item representations for JavaFX GUI elements
54.2  Internal item representations for Swing GUI elements
54.3  Internal item representations for SWT GUI elements
54.4  Internal item representations for DOM nodes
Daemon mode
55.1  The run state
55.2  The result codes
The Procedure Builder definition file
56.1  Placeholders for component procedures
56.2  Additional placeholders for container procedures
56.3  Comment attributes for procedure creation
56.4  Hierarchy placeholders
56.5  Samples for the @CONDITION tag
Generic classes
61.1  Checktypes for Accordion
61.2  Special qfs:type values for Buttons
61.3  Special qfs:type values for CheckBoxes
61.4  Checktypes for Checkbox
61.5  Special qfs:type values for Closer
61.6  Checktypes for ComboBox
61.7  Special qfs:type values for Expander
61.8  Special qfs:type values for Icon
61.9  Special qfs:type values for Indicator
61.10  Special qfs:type values for Item
61.11  Checktypes for Item
61.12  Special qfs:type values for Labels
61.13  Special qfs:type values for Links
61.14  Special qfs:type values for List
61.15  Checktypes for List
61.16  Special qfs:type values for Maximizer
61.17  Special qfs:type values for Menu
61.18  Special qfs:type values for Minimizer
61.19  Special qfs:type values for Panel
61.20  Special qfs:type values for Popup
61.21  Checktypes for ProgressBar
61.22  Special qfs:type values for RadioButtons
61.23  Checktypes for RadioButton
61.24  Special qfs:type values for Restore
61.25  Special qfs:type values for Sizer
61.26  Checktypes for Slider
61.27  Special qfs:type values for Spacer
61.28  Checktypes for Spinner
61.29  Checktypes for Table
61.30  Checktypes for TableCell
61.31  Checktypes for TableHeader
61.32  Checktypes for TableHeaderCell
61.33  Checktypes for TabPanel
61.34  Special qfs:type values for Text
61.35  Checktypes for TextArea
61.36  Special qfs:type values for TextField
61.37  Checktypes for TextField
61.38  Checktypes for ToggleButton
61.39  Checktypes for Tree
61.40  Checktypes for TreeNode
61.41  Special qfs:type values for Window
62.1  Doctags for reporting and documentation
62.2  Doctags for Robot Framework integration
62.3  Doctags for test execution
62.4  Doctags for editing
Release notes
B.1  New features in QF-Test 5
Keyboard shortcuts
C.1  Shortcuts for navigation and editing
C.2  Shortcuts for the UI inspector
C.3  Shortcuts for special record and replay functions