Details about transforming nodes


The transformation mechanism allows you to turn a node into another type, e.g. a Sequence into a Procedure or a Test into a Test case. Such actions could be required for re-factoring purposes or simply to make test development for efficient.

You can transform nodes via a right mouse click and then selecting »Transform node into« and the desired type.

Note QF-Test only shows transformations that are possible in the current context of the test suite, so sometimes you may not see all possible transformations.

Transformation with type changes

The following transformations also change the type of child nodes of the converted nodes:

  1. Test set into Test case
    1. Data driver into disabled Sequence
    2. Test case into Test step
  2. Test case into Test set
    1. All children are packed into a new sub Test case node.
  3. Test into Test set recursive
    1. If there are only Data driver and Test children, the Data driver is turned into a disabled Test.
    2. Otherwise all children are packed into a new sub Test case node.
  4. Test into Test case
    1. Data driver into disabled Sequence

Additional transformations below the Extras node

The following transformations are allowed below the Extras node only:

Transformations without side-effects
  1. Sequence into Cleanup
  2. Sequence into Setup
  3. Sequence into Test case
  4. Cleanup into Procedure
  5. Setup into Procedure
  6. Procedure into Sequence
  7. Procedure into Test case
Transformations with side-effects

The following transformations also change the type of some child nodes:

  1. Test set into Package
    1. Cleanup into disabled Procedure
    2. Data driver into disabled Procedure
    3. Dependency reference into disabled Dependency containing the previous Dependency reference
    4. Setup into disabled Procedure
    5. Test into Procedure
    6. Test case into Procedure
    7. Test call into disabled Procedure containing the Test call
  2. Test case into Procedure
    1. Cleanup into disabled Sequence
    2. Dependency into disabled Sequence
    3. Dependency reference into disabled Sequence
    4. Setup into disabled Sequence
  3. Test into Procedure
    1. Data driver into disabled Sequence
  4. Test into Package
    1. All child nodes are packed into a Procedure node.
  5. Test into Sequence
    1. Data driver into disabled Sequence
  6. Package into Test set
    1. Package into Test set
    2. Procedure into Test case