Controlling native Windows applications via the UIAuto module - without the QF-Test win engine

Note The win engine is described in a separate chapter Testing native Windows applications.

Generally you should use the win engine of QF-Test for testing and controlling native Windows applications. This requires a respective license. In case you do not have a license for the win engine of QF-Test and you require just a little test or need to do some simple controlling of a Windows application, e.g. during testing of process flow across Java, Web and Windows applications, you can use the library described in the current chapter.

The module allows control of native Windows GUI elements via Microsoft's UI Automation interface. It can trigger actions and check certain values. The interface is described on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_UI_Automation.

Procedures in the standard library qfs.qft wrap the methods of the module most frequently required.

It is not possible to record actions or checks directly (capturing). The parameters identifying a GUI object need to be determined and then be passed to the respective procedure.

Actions are replayed via 'hard' system events mainly. This results in a different replay behavior than you are used to with QF-Test for Java or web applications.

Despite these restrictions the module can be very helpful for simple testing and controlling tasks on native Windows applications.

