Installing Xcode, Simulators and IDB

For iOS testing, QF-Test requires an installation of the full Xcode development application, as well as the iOS Development Bridge (idb).

In the menu "Extras" of the QF-Test main window you can find the command "Check/Setup iOS test environment ...". This command helps to verify your current system and gives advice on how to install the required tools. When a tool is started the first time it can happen that its initialization takes more than 30 seconds. In this case, due to timeout, a wrong version number of the tool is reported. To work around, simply restart the check/setup procedure.

Xcode Installation

iOS Development Bridge (idb) Installation

To interact with the iOS device, QF-Test uses the idb tool. It consists of the idb companion which communicates directly with the (simulated) device, and the Python based idb client. Both parts need to be available on the system in order to execute iOS tests. More information about the idb tool can be found in the idb documentation.