Adapting to your software

All examples make use of the CarConfigurator of QF-Test. You can use those samples as templates to adapt the existing concept to your strategy of keyword-driven testing. The provided samples can only act as templates because of the huge variety of ways of creating applications and the many different testing strategies. They will never serve as out-of-the-box solution without any need of adapting them. In order to find a matching solution to your project you can also get in touch with our support team.

Nevertheless you can find a full sample for the CarConfigurator at qftest-9.0.1/demo/keywords/ full_sample_for_carconfig. The sample uses the concept of scenario files as described in section 31.5.

Technology Necessary Adjustments
  1. Replace the value awt with fx in the attribute GUI engine on all window components.
  2. Perhaps you need to extend the recorded window components with additional variables.
  3. You need to adapt the procedure startStop.startSUT in order to start your application. Simply copy the created steps from the quickstart wizard.
  4. You might possibly have to create some resolver scripts to tune component recognition.
  1. Perhaps you need to extend the recorded window components with additional variables.
  2. You need to adapt the procedure startStop.startSUT in order to start your application. Simply copy the created steps from the quickstart wizard.
  3. You might possibly have to create some resolver scripts to tune component recognition.
  1. Replace the value awt with swt in the attribute GUI engine on all window components.
  2. Perhaps you need to extend the recorded window components with additional variables.
  3. You need to adapt the procedure startStop.startSUT in order to start your application. Simply copy the created steps from the quickstart wizard.
  4. You might possibly have to create some resolver scripts to tune component recognition.
  1. Replace the window component with a Web page node.
  2. As dialogs are already part of the web page you don't need to keep them separated and can create a component within the web page..
  3. You need to adapt the procedure startStop.startSUT in order to start your application. Simply copy the created steps from the quickstart wizard.
  4. You might possibly have to tune component recognition using the CustomWebResolver concept.
Table 31.7:  Necessary adaptions to your SUT