Reports and test documentation

Besides test suites and run logs QF-Test can create a number of additional documents. Most important of these is the report, which summarizes the overall results of a test run along with an overview over the test suites executed and their individual results. The report is easy to read and understand without further knowledge about QF-Test and thus complements the run log which is geared towards error analysis and requires some QF-Test experience to fully understand.

Following is an example of a report summary:

Report example
Figure 24.1:  Example report

The other documents are more static in nature, describing the content of test suites instead of test run results. The testdoc document gives an overview over the structure of Test set and Test case nodes in a given set of test suites. It is intended for the test architect or QA project manager and documents the current state of test development. The pkgdoc documentation is similar, but focuses on Package, Procedure and Dependency nodes instead. The result is a library reference comparable to Java's JavaDoc. The target audience for pgkdoc are test implementers requiring information about already existing procedures and their parameters.


Before we can start explaining how to create reports, some basic terms and concepts need to be defined.

Report concepts

A report represents the results of one or more test runs. A test run comprises the execution of either a single test suite or multiple test suites, typically executed together in one batch-run. A test run is identified by a runid. It is possible to execute a test run in several steps by assigning the same runid to the resulting run logs.

A report is identified by a report name. For a report that covers a single test run, the report name is usually the same as the runid. For reports summarizing the results of several test runs a distinct report name can be specified.

Reports can be created in multiple variants: XML, HTML and JUnit. Most users will probably use the HTML variant which can be viewed in a browser, printed and archived. The XML variant can serve as the basis for collecting the results of a test run for further processing, for example to collect test results in a database or to create customized HTML reports. We suggest that you always create both HTML and XML reports unless you have a good reason to do otherwise. JUnit reports base on the JUnit XML format as created by Apache Ant by use of its JUnitReport task. This format is not as pretty and detailed as the first two report variants QF-Test offers but it is directly understood by many continuous integration tools and may prove useful for a quick integration with those.

A report consists of one summary document, plus one document per run log. These files are collected together with complementary files like icons, stylesheets and screenshot images in a directory. At the file level, this directory represents the report.

The layout of the files inside the report directory depends on some command line options explained below. Basically there are two ways to lay out the files: Based on the file structure of the original test suites or based on the file structure of the run logs.

Report contents

In advance to the overall test result, a report as shown above starts with a summary containing informational system data and a legend describing the meaning of counter icons used in the report (see Running tests).

NoteThe difference between "Time spent in tests" and "Elapsed time" are explicit delays introduced in nodes via the 'Delay before/after' attribute or user interrupts.

The contents of a report are based on the original structure of the executed test suites. The main structure is created from Test set and Test case nodes. The Comment attributes of the root node as well as the Test set and Test case nodes share the doctags with testdoc documents as explained in section 24.2. In addition to those doctags the '@title' doctag can be specified in the comment of the root node to set a title for the report document created for the respective test suite.

If -report-teststeps is specified in batch mode (true by default) or the respective option is active in the interactive dialog, Test cases can be further broken down into steps with the help of Test step nodes. In addition to explicitly wrapping steps into a Test step, any node can be turned into a test step by specifying the doctag '@teststep' in its Comment, followed by an optional name for the step. For Test step nodes the '@author', '@version' and '@since' doctags are also applicable. The names, comments and tag values of the various nodes can contain variables that will be expanded at execution time so that the expanded value is shown in the report. This is especially useful for test steps within a procedure.

If listing of test steps is active, Setup, Cleanup and Dependency nodes are also listed and checks, screenshots and messages, including warnings, errors and exceptions are properly integrated into the nested steps. If the test suites are set up properly the resulting report can serve as a very readable summary of what was going on during the execution of a test.

Whether warnings and checks are listed is determined by the command line arguments -report-warnings and -report-checks or the respective interactive options. Warnings from component recognition are never listed because they are too technical and could easily flood the report. For checks one must distinguish between checks that represent an actual verification step and those that are used solely for control flow, for example to check whether a checkbox is already selected and click it only in case it is not. By default QF-Test lists those Check nodes in the report that have the default result settings, i.e. the Error level of message is 'Error', no exception is thrown and no result variable bound. All others are treated as helpers for control flow and not listed in the report. For cases where this default treatment is not appropriate, you can force a Check into the report via the doctag '@report' in its Comment attribute or prevent its listing via '@noreport'. Of course failed checks are treated as warnings, errors or exceptions (depending on their Error level of message) and cannot be excluded from the report if messages at the respective level are shown.

Additional messages, checks and screenshots can be added to the report by scripts via the methods rc.logMessage, rc.logImage and rc.check and its variants, which have an optional report parameter. For details, please see the run context API documentation in section 50.5.

Creating reports

There are three ways to create reports:

The interactive variant is easy to use. Just select the target directory for the report and whether you want the XML and/or the HTML variant.

For report creation in batch mode there are a number of command line options which are listed and explained in section 44.2. Let's look at the variant of creating reports as the result of a test run first:

The command line syntax for plain test execution in batch mode is qftest -batch <test suite> [<test suite>...]

To create a combined XML and HTML report, use -report <directory>. To create only one version or to separate the XML, HTML variants, use -report-xml <directory> and/or -report-html <directory>. For JUnit reports -report-junit <directory> works respectively.

The runid of a test run is specified with -runid <ID>, the name of the report with -report-name <name>. If the report name is unspecified it will default to the runid.

To lay out the files in the report directory according to the file structure of the test suites, use -sourcedir <directory>. To use the file structure of the run log as the basis, use -runlogdir <directory>.

The following is a typical example of a command line for a batch run making use of the placeholders explained in subsection 44.2.4:

qftest -batch -runid +M+d -runlog logs/+i -report report_+i
        -sourcedir . suite1.qft subdir/suite2.qft
Example 24.1:  Creating a report as the result of a test run

Creating a report as a separate step by transforming a set of run logs is similar in many respects. The run logs to transform have to be specified instead of the test suites to execute and the -runid <ID> and -sourcedir <directory> command line options have no effect. The following is an example for how to create a weekly summary report based on the assumption that you have collected all run logs below the directory named logdir, possibly in subdirectorys thereof:

qftest -batch -genreport -report report_+M+d
        -report.name week_of_+y+M+d logdir
Example 24.2:  Creating a weekly summary report
Customizing reports

The XML and HTML reports are created from the run log via XSLT. By changing the XSLT stylesheets used it is possible to change the content and structure of the resulting documents.

You can find more on this possibility in our blog article "Creating custom HTML/XML/Junit reports" at https://www.qftest.com/en/blog/article/2019/02/28/creating-custom-htmlxmljunit-reports.html

As an alternative it is possible to customize the display of the HTML report using established web techniques via JavaScript. A file named user.js is copied to the report directory and included in all pages of the HTML report. To change the report layout you can replace this file with your own version after creating the report. See the comments in the default user.js file for examples.

Testdoc documentation for Test sets and Test cases

The type of test documents called testdoc provide overview and detailed information over the Test set and Test case nodes of one or more test suites. When Test cases contain Test steps those steps will be included in the testdoc. By default QF-Test ignores Test call nodes during testdoc creation. By setting the option -testdoc-followcalls=true the real targets Test case, Test set or the whole test suite are processed as if they were part of the original test suite.

This documentation is a valuable tool for QA project managers to keep track of the current state of test development. Similar to reports, testdoc documents are laid out as directories with one summary file and one detailed file per test suite.

A testdoc document for a single suite can be created interactively from a test suite by selecting »Create testdoc documentation...« from the »File« menu. This is very useful during test development to quickly check whether all tests are properly documented.

For actual use as a reference it is preferable to create complete sets of documents spanning multiple test suites for a whole project. This can be done by running QF-Test in batch mode with the -gendoc command line argument. In its simplest form, a call to create testdoc documentation for a whole directory tree would look as follows:

qftest -batch -gendoc -testdoc test_documentation
        directory/with/test suites
Example 24.3:  Creating testdoc documentation

Please see chapter 44 for detailed information about the available command line arguments.

To get optimal results you can use HTML markup in the Comment attributes of Test set and Test case nodes and also make use of doctags. A doctag is a keyword beginning with '@', sometimes followed by a name and always by a description. This is a proven concept in JavaDoc, the standard documentation format for Java programs (see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html#tag).

Note All doctags must appear after the main description. Description after the doctags will be ignored, as well doctags inside the descripiton are not allowed.

The following doctags are supported for Test set and Test case nodes:

If a Test set or Test case is no longer to be used, this description should explain when and why the node was deprecated and especially which replacement should be used.
Non-formal explanation of the condition under which the node is executed or skipped.
Description for a parameter. Following are the name of the parameter and its description.
Description for a characteristic variable. Following are the name of the variable and its description.
Author of the Test set or Test case.
Version of the Test case or Test case.
The version since which this Test set or Test case has been available.

In addition to the doctags described above, the doctag '@title' in the comment of the root node can be used to specify a title for the testdoc document created for the respective test suite.

Pkgdoc documentation for Packages, Procedures and Dependencies

The concepts of and methods for creation of pkgdoc documents are nearly identical to testdoc, so this section is brief. Instead of Test set and Test case nodes, pkgdoc documents cover Package, Procedure and Dependency nodes. They are intended for the test developer to keep track of the procedures available for use in implementing tests.

Please refer to the standard library qfs.qft as a good example how a pkgdoc may look like.

A pkgdoc document can also either be created interactively using »File«-»Create HMTL/XML pkgdoc...« or in batch mode. Again, please see chapter 44 for detailed information about the available command line arguments.

As the following example shows, testdoc and pkgdoc can even be created together in a single batch run:

qftest -batch -gendoc -testdoc tests -pkgdoc procedures
        directory/with/test suites
Example 24.4:  Creating testdoc and pkgdoc documentation in a single run

Of course pkgdoc also supports HTML markup and doctags. The following doctags are supported for Package, Procedure and Dependency nodes:

If a Procedure, Dependency or Package is no longer to be used, this description should explain when and why the node was deprecated and especially which replacement should be used.
@param (Procedure and Dependency only)
A parameter of a Procedure or Dependency. Following are the name of the parameter and its description.
@charvar (Dependency only)
Description for a characteristic variable of a Dependency. Following are the name of the variable and its description.
@return (Procedure only)
The return value of the procedure.
@result (Procedure and Dependency only)
Can be used to document side-effects of the Procedure or Dependency like setting a global variable.
@throws (Procedure only)
Expected exception. Following are the name of the exception and a description of its cause.
@catches (Dependency only)
An exception being caught by the Dependency. Following are the name of the exception and a description of the handler.
Author of the Package, Procedure or Dependency.
Version of the Package, Procedure or Dependency.
The version since which this Package, Procedure or Dependency is available.

In addition to the doctags described above, the doctag '@title' in the comment of the root node can be used to specify a title for the pkgdoc document created for the respective test suite.