Setting up a test suite

The top-level nodes of the test suite define its basic structure:

Functional test cases are represented by "Test case" nodes and can be grouped and structured with the help of "Test set" nodes.

"Setup" and "Cleanup" nodes are intended for test steps ensuring a well-defined state before and after a test case.

Figure 2.12:  Start organizing the test suite

The next step is to make a test case of the two sequences previously recorded.

You need to open the test case node because otherwise QF-Test would try to place the sequence nodes after the test case node on the same level, which is not a valid option.

QF-Test always records sequence nodes. They have the same functionality as test step nodes, only they do not show up in the report. So, just to show you, we will transform the two sequence nodes into test step nodes.

Your test suite should now look like this:

Figure 2.13:  The Organization of your test suite