List of figures

Working with a Sample Test suite (Java)
1.1  The Test suite FirstJavaTests.qft
1.2  The "Test set: Simple Tests" Node
1.3  The Setup Node
1.4  The Sequence to start the SUT
1.5  The CarConfigurator Demo
1.6  The "First" Test case
1.7  Details of the first Test case
1.8  The result view in the status line
1.9  The Second Test case
1.10  Details of the second Test case
1.11  Error in the second test case
1.12  Runlog for the second test case
1.13  Error in the second test case
1.14  Screenshot node showing the error situation
1.15  The Cleanup Sequence
1.16  Runlog for the Completed Test set
1.17  Report Generation Properties
1.18  An HTML Report
Creating your own test suite (Java)
2.1  The Quickstart Wizard
2.2  Type of Application
2.3  Type of Executable
2.4  Executable file selection.
2.5  Final Information
2.6  Generated Setup Sequence
2.7  The CarConfigurator Demo Window
2.8  Recording actions on the CarConfigurator Demo
2.9  The Recorded Sequence
2.10  The Renamed Sequence
2.11  The recorded check node
2.12  Start organizing the test suite
2.13  The Organization of your test suite
2.14  The simple cleanup sequence
2.15   The Run log of the test suite
Writing a Procedure (Java)
3.1  Two identical test steps
3.2  Create a procedure node
3.3  Fill in the procedure content
3.4  Insert a procedure call
3.5  Select a procedure
3.6  Test-suite with procedure
Components (Java)
4.1  Addressing a table cell
4.2  Locating a component
4.3  Component tree
4.4  Details of the Component node
Using the Debugger (Java)
5.1  Set break point
5.2  Start test run
5.3  Remove break point
5.4  Stepping into a node
5.5  Stepping over a node
5.6  Stepping out of a node
5.7  Pause execution at first node of the second test case
5.8  Skip over a node
5.9  Skip out of a node
5.10  Set debugger options to pause on error
5.11  Test run paused by error
5.12  Error Dialog
5.13  Update check node with current data
5.14  Corrected check node
Variables and Procedure Parameters (Java)
6.1  Two almost identical test steps
6.2  Procedure with hard coded value
6.3  The Details of the 'Procedure' node
6.4  'Check text' node
6.5  Second procedure calls 'checkFinalPrice'
6.6  Variable bindings
6.7  Popup menu for 'Additional node operations'
6.8  Variable bindings stack showing incorrect value
6.9  Continue Execution from here
6.10  Details of the Set variable node
6.11  Procedure returning a value
The Standard Library (Java)
7.1  The Standard Library
Control structures (Java)
8.1  Setup Sequence with if-else structures
8.2  Wait for client to connect writes the result into the variable "isSUTRunning"
8.3  If node evaluates the variable
8.4  Transform a node into another one
8.5  Pack a node into another one
8.6  Details of a Loop node
8.7  The new test case
8.8  Details of the Check items node
Working with a Sample Test suite (Web)
10.1  The Test suite FirstWebTests.qft
10.2  The "Test set: Simple Tests" Node
10.3  The Setup Node
10.4  The Sequence to start the Browser
10.5  The CarConfigurator web demo page
10.6  The "First" Test case
10.7  Details of the first Test case
10.8  The result view in the status line
10.9  The Second Test case
10.10  Details of the second Test case
10.11  Error in the second test case
10.12  Run log for the second test case
10.13  Error in the second test case
10.14  Screenshot node showing the error situation
10.15  The Cleanup Sequence
10.16  Run log for the Completed Test set
10.17  Report Generation Properties
10.18  An HTML Report
Creating your own test suite (Web)
11.1  The Quickstart Wizard
11.2  Type of Application
11.3  Specification of the URL.
11.4  Final Information
11.5  Generated Setup Sequence
11.6  The "CarConfigurator Web" demo page in the browser
11.7  Recording actions on the "CarConfigurator Web" demo
11.8  The Recorded Sequence
11.9  The Renamed Sequence
11.10  The recorded check node
11.11  Start organizing the test suite
11.12  The Organization of your test suite
11.13  The simple cleanup sequence
11.14   The Run log of the test suite
Writing a Procedure (Web)
12.1  Two identical test steps
12.2  Create a procedure node
12.3  Fill in the procedure content
12.4  Insert a procedure call
12.5  Select a procedure
12.6  Test-suite with procedure
Components (Web)
13.1  Addressing a table cell
13.2  Web resolvers as installed in the FirstWebTests.qft
13.3  Locating a component
13.4  Component tree
13.5  Details of the Component node
Using the Debugger (Web)
14.1  Set break point
14.2  Start test run
14.3  Remove break point
14.4  Stepping into a node
14.5  Stepping over a node
14.6  Stepping out of a node
14.7  Pause execution at first node of the second test case
14.8  Skip over a node
14.9  Skip out of a node
14.10  Set debugger options to pause on error
14.11  Test run stopped by error
14.12  Error Dialog
14.13  Update check node with current data
14.14  Corrected check node
Variables and Procedure Parameters (Web)
15.1  Two almost identical test steps
15.2  Procedure with hard coded value
15.3  The Details of the 'Procedure' node
15.4  'Check text' node
15.5  Second procedure calls 'checkFinalPrice'
15.6  Variable bindings
15.7  Popup menu for 'Additional node operations'
15.8  Variable bindings stack showing incorrect value
15.9  Continue Execution from here
15.10  Details of the Set variable node
15.11  Procedure returning a value
The Standard Library (Web)
16.1  The Standard Library
Control structures (Web)
17.1  Setup Sequence with if-else structures
17.2  Wait for client to connect writes the result into the variable "isSUTRunning"
17.3  If node evaluates the variable
17.4  Transform a node into another one
17.5  Pack a node into another one
17.6  Details of a Loop node
17.7  The new test case
17.8  Details of the Check items node
Working with a Sample Test suite (Win)
19.1  The Test suite FirstWinTests.qft
19.2  The "Test set: Simple Tests" Node
19.3  The Setup Node
19.4  The Sequence to start the SUT
19.5  The Windows CarConfigurator Demo
19.6  The "First" Test case
19.7  Details of the first Test case
19.8  The result view in the status line
19.9  The Second Test case
19.10  Details of the second Test case
19.11  Error in the second test case
19.12  Run Log for the second test case
19.13  Error in the second test case
19.14  Screenshot node showing the error situation
19.15  The Cleanup Sequence
19.16  Run Log for the Completed Test set
19.17  Report Generation Properties
19.18  An HTML Report
Creating your own test suite (Win)
20.1  The Quickstart Wizard
20.2  Type of Application
20.3  Windows executable file selection.
20.4  Final Information
20.5  Generated Setup Sequence
20.6  The Windows CarConfigurator Demo
20.7  Recording actions on the CarConfiguratorForms Demo
20.8  The Recorded Sequence
20.9  The Renamed Sequence
20.10  The recorded check node
20.11  Start organizing the test suite
20.12  The Organization of your test suite
20.13  The simple cleanup sequence
20.14   The Run log of the test suite
Writing a Procedure (Win)
21.1  Two identical test steps
21.2  Create a procedure node
21.3  Fill in the procedure content
21.4  Insert a procedure call
21.5  Select a procedure
21.6  Test-suite with procedure
Components (Win)
22.1  Addressing a table cell
Using the Debugger (Win)
23.1  Set break point
23.2  Start test run
23.3  Remove break point
23.4  Stepping into a node
23.5  Stepping over a node
23.6  Stepping out of a node
23.7  Pause execution at first node of the second test case
23.8  Skip over a node
23.9  Skip out of a node
23.10  Set debugger options to pause on error
23.11  Test run stopped by error
23.12  Error Dialog
23.13  Update check node with current data
23.14  Corrected check node
Variables and Procedure Parameters (Win)
24.1  Two almost identical test steps
24.2  Procedure with hard coded value
24.3  The Details of the 'Procedure' node
24.4  'Check text' node
24.5  Second procedure calls 'checkFinalPrice'
24.6  Variable bindings
24.7  Popup menu for 'Additional node operations'
24.8  Variable bindings stack showing incorrect value
24.9  Continue Execution from here
24.10  Details of the Set variable node
24.11  Procedure returning a value
The Standard Library (Win)
25.1  The Standard Library
Control structures (Win)
26.1  Setup Sequence with if-else structures
26.2  Wait for client to connect writes the result into the variable "isSUTRunning"
26.3  If node evaluates the variable
26.4  Transform a node into another one
26.5  Pack a node into another one
26.6  Details of a Loop node
26.7  The new test case
26.8  Details of the Check items node
Data driven Testing: Running one Test case with different test data
28.1  Traditional way of data driven testing
28.2  Traditional way with a nested Test set
28.3  Data table dialog
28.4  The filled data table
28.5  Test set with Data driver
28.6  Using the $(discount) parameter
28.7  Full data table
28.8  Name for run log and report attribute
28.9  Run log with different names per Test case
Dependencies: Automatically ensuring correct prerequisites for each Test case
29.1  First Test set of dependencies_work.qft
29.2  First Test set of dependencies_work.qft
29.3  Sample test suite with the first Dependency
29.4  The run log of the execution
29.5  Procedure startStop.startApplication
29.6  The test suite with a Dependency reference
29.7  Ensuring prerequisites for Test case 'Discount 15'
29.8  'vehicles dialog opened' Dependency
29.9  Implementation of specified test cases
29.10  Run log of nested Dependencies
29.11  Test-suite of Error handler
29.12  Dependency with Error handler
29.13  Run log for Dependency with Error handler
29.14  Try-catch nodes in each Test case
29.15  Test-suite with Catch
29.16  Run log of a Dependency with Catch
Automated creation of basic procedures
30.1  Screenshot of test suite
30.2  The test suite automated_procedures_work.qft
30.3  The recorded procedures
30.4  The test suite containing the procedures
30.5  The procedures for all panels
30.6  The current configuration
30.7  The own configuration file
30.8  The checkText procedure
30.9  The checkText procedure with parameters
30.10  Using the <COMPID> place holder
30.11  Your first automatically created procedures
30.12  The configuration for the current text
30.13  The created procedures with the current text
30.14  The template for container procedures
30.15  Usage of @FORCHILDREN tag
30.16  The created container procedures
30.17  Configuration of <CCURRENTVALUE>
30.18  Test-suite using <CCURRENTVALUE>
30.19  Parameters for container procedures
30.20  Parameters for container procedures in test suite