

QF-Test is a professional tool for automated testing of Java, Web and native Windows applications with a graphical user interface (UI).

QF-Test tests the system as a whole through the UI. It can also be used for integration tests checking the overall workflow and the interaction of single systems. The main use cases for QF-Test are automated regression tests. You can use it as well for load testing and input of mass data via the graphical user interface.

QF-Test is designed for the use of testers and developers alike. It has an intuitive UI. Tests can easily be build with the recording function. On the other hand tests can be set up and structured like any other software. If you need to test some functionality for which QF-Test provides no standard test elements you can almost always implement it via a script.

During test execution QF-Test writes a run log intended for post-mortem error analysis. Additionally you can create configurable HTML reports (also XML or JUnit format) presenting the test results in an overview and with graphics.

QF-Test can be run platform independently on Windows, Linux and macOS. It supports the Java technologies Swing, JavaFX and SWT and the most common web browsers, some even headless. From QF-Test version 5 on you can also test native Windows applications. For a detailed list of the supported platforms, Java and browser technologies please refer to the System requirements section of the user manual.

Video The video 'Overview' gives a general overview of QF-Test.

You will find a more technical overview in the video 'Technical insights'.


This tutorial is meant as a hands-on introduction to QF-Test.

In the base part we will show the main functions of QF-Test and guide you through the necessary steps to set up your own test suite. You will learn how to analyze your test results, step through your test by use of the debugger and generate an overview report. Further topics are the concept of modularization by help of procedures and component recognition, which is of central meaning in UI Testing.

With part V some more advanced QF-Test features come on stage, like data driven testing, ensuring of test case prerequisites and automatic generation of basic procedures. Those apply for Java, web and native Windows testing.

The way you write tests for Java, Web or native Windows applications is the same for all three technologies. Only with Web applications you might have to have a look at component recognition before you start with the tests, and with native Windows applications you need to be a bit more patient when recording or replaying the tests. Now you might wonder why we provided three different base parts. This is because the demo applications we use look slightly different for each technology. You also get different setup sequences and different components. So, in order as not to confuse you with a demo not matching the exact description of the tutorial we decided to provide three base parts, part I for Java, part II for Web and part III for native Windows applications.

This tutorial is also available as HTML online version at

As an alternative to private study, QFS offers training courses for QF-Test. Details can be found at

The following notations are used throughout the tutorial:


Note This tutorial has been rewritten from scratch for QF-Test 4.2. We hope you'll like it and look forward to your feedback - be it positive or negative.

Please send all comments, bug reports, wishes etc. to