Loading the Test suite

Note On first startup of QF-Test and/or the System Under Test (SUT) via QF-Test you might get a security warning from the firewall asking whether to block the Java network communication or not. As QF-Test communicates with the SUT by means of network protocols, this must not be blocked by the local firewall in order to allow automated testing.

After starting up QF-Test, you can immediately bring up our first example test suite.

QF-Test will then load the indicated test suite which should look as follows:

Figure 10.1:  The Test suite FirstWebTests.qft

The left part of the main window contains the test suite, organized in a tree structure.
The right side shows the details of a selected tree node.
At bottom right you'll see the terminal displaying messages sent by QF-Test and the application you are testing.

In the tree structure of the main window you can navigate and select individual nodes of the test suite.

You'll find the test set contains two test case nodes enclosed by a "Setup"/"Cleanup" pair.

Figure 10.2:  The "Test set: Simple Tests" Node

In the following sections we'll describe the purpose and function of the individual nodes.