Recording Actions

You're now ready to record some actions for our demo:

Figure 11.7:  Recording actions on the "CarConfigurator Web" demo

You'll find the recorded sequence placed in the "Extras" section:

Figure 11.8:  The Recorded Sequence

The recorded sequence has a default name with date and time of the recording. You can change this name as you see fit by simply clicking on the node and changing its properties in the details view on the right.

Figure 11.9:  The Renamed Sequence

Now, let us replay the recorded sequence.

You should now see exactly the same sequence of mouse events executed in the SUT as you recorded before.

The sequence is supposed to replay (even multiple times) without errors. You should see "Finished: No error" in the bottom right corner of your test suite window.

Note While recording, QF-Test recognized the functional entities like the data table, the tab and the combo box, and subsequently addresses the subitems by index. For details see Addressing subitems of tables, lists and trees. This was possible due to the correct configuration of the component mapping. For further information see Web Component Recognition.