Selected Packages and Procedures

We will now have a closer look at a number of selected packages and procedures from the standard library.

We will start with packages for accessing components dependent on the UI technology they are implemented with, say JavaFX, Java Swing, Eclipse/SWT and Web components.

The Checkbox Packages

We begin by looking at the qfs.fx.checkbox qfs.swing.checkbox, qfs.swt.checkbox or qfs.web.checkbox package.

Some important procedures within this package are:

For each of these procedures, you pass the QF-Test ID of a checkbox component as a variable argument. The library handles verification of whether or not the checkbox state was properly set as expected.

Usage of the other procedures in this package follows the general model seen here.

The Combobox/Combo Packages

The packages qfs.fx.combobox, qfs.swing.combobox, qfs.swt.combo or qfs.web.select contain procedures to select a value in a combobox.

Some procedures within this package are:

The General Packages

The packages qfs.fx.general, qfs.swing.general, qfs.swt.general or qfs.web.general contain useful procedures to work with components.

Some procedures within this package are:

The List Packages

The packages qfs.fx.list, qfs.swing.list, qfs.swt.list or qfs.web.list contain useful procedures to work with lists.

Some procedures within this package are:

The Menu Packages

The qfs.fx.menu, qfs.swing.menu, qfs.swt.menu or qfs.web.menu packages allow you to easily select items and checkbox items from menus or sub-menus. The procedures visible after expanding the package node are:

For each of these procedures, you must pass the QF-Test ID of the menus as well as the item and/or sub-item to select or check; the usage varies slightly depending on the nature of the procedure.

The Table Packages

The packages qfs.fx.table, qfs.swing.table, qfs.swt.table and qfs.web.table provide utility procedures for tables, like:

The Tree Packages

We've provided some simple access procedures for manipulating trees within the packages qfs.fx.tree, qfs.swing.tree, qfs.swt.tree and qfs.web.tree. These include:

For any of these procedures, you simply pass the QF-Test ID of the node you wish to manipulate.

The Cleanup Packages

The packages qfs.fx.cleanup, qfs.swing.cleanup and qfs.swt.cleanup are useful for generic cleanup of the SUT environment after an unexpected exception occurs. Imagine, for example, that an exception is thrown while attempting to manipulate a menu in the SUT. The exception will cause the execution path within your test suite to be re-directed to an exception handler of a Catch node or of a dependency, or an "implicit" exception handler. This means that the normal flow of execution, which would have properly closed the open menu, has now been interrupted. Without proper action, that menu could be left open and thus block other events directed to the SUT.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The concept of implicit exception handling is an important one as an exception in a single test case is not meant to stop the whole test run. Just the current test case needs to be aborted and then continue with the next test case.

Therefore, an exception raised during the course of a Test case will be caught at that level and not propagated to prevent aborting the whole test run. The error state is duly noted in run log and report however.

If the Test case uses a Dependency the exception is passed to the Catch node of the same, if available. This kind of exception (and error) handling is described in the Dependency chapter of the manual.

The Run log Package

The qfs.run-log package contains procedures, which writes specified messages into the run log. This package has been introduced to give testers without scripting-knowledge the opportunity to write messages into the run log.

Here is the list of the most important procedures within this package:

The Run log.Screenshots Package

The qfs.run-log.screenshots package contains procedures, which write images into the run log and some helper methods.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The Shellutils Package

The qfs.shellutils package contains procedures to support most common shell-commands.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The Utils Package

The qfs.utils package contains procedures, which covers common helper-functionality during test-development.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The Database Package

The qfs.database package contains procedures to execute SQL commands on a database.

Please note that the database driver must be in the class path, i.e. the respective jar file in the qftest plugin directory, before launching QF-Test.

To get more information about the connection-mechanism to your database, please ask your developers or see www.connectionstrings.com.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The Check Package

The qfs.check package contains procedures to do checks.

Some important procedures within this package are:

The Databinder Package

The qfs.databinder package contains procedures for execution within a "Data driver" node which bind data for iteration.

Some important procedures within this package are: