Preconditions and known restrictions
In order to perform Android tests with QF-Test, the following preconditions need to be fulfilled for the machine QF-Test is running on:
- In case an Android emulator shall be used, a sufficiently powerfull machine is required (not an old scrap mill :-). It might be even necessary to enable hardware acceleration (typical via the bios) if the emulator works too slow. Further details can be found at
- Android SDK Command-Line tools need to be available on your machine, even better an installation of Android Studio as described in section 16.3.
- Either a real Android mobile device needs to be connected via cable and USB debugging need to be enabled for this device (see section 16.4),
- Or an Android emulator needs to be installed, running an adequate Android Virtual Device (AVD) (see subsection 16.3.2).
- The Android API Level of the real or virtual Android device needs to be greater or equal 24, which means Android Version 7 Nougat or later (see Andriod version history at Wikipedia).
Known restrictions
Note There are some restrictions within this version listed below:
- Only one Android client can be connected and controlled in parallel so far. It is planned to enhance this to multiple clients as it is supported with the other UI technologies.