Atomic component-oriented procedures

Besides the already known business-related procedures representing workflows you can describe every action individually. Applying this concept results in a very detailed description. You can find the sample test suite at qftest-9.0.1/demo/keywords/simple_atomic/ SimpleAtomicKeywords.qft. The respective test-plan can be found at qftest-9.0.1/demo/keywords/simple_atomic/ simple_atomic_keywords.xlsx. Please take care to copy the demo folder to a project-related folder first and modify them there.

Let's take a look at the "Create vehicle" test case of the CarConfigurator again. The test case now consists of the following steps:

  1. Launch SUT, if necessary
  2. Select menu 'Options'
  3. Select menu 'Vehicles...'
  4. Fill text-field 'Name'
  5. Fill text-field 'Price'
  6. Press button 'New' in order to create the vehicle
  7. Press button 'OK' in order to close the dialog
  8. Check table, whether new created vehicle appears

Similar to the business-related keywords you need to specify an Excel file containing the planned test steps and you need to create the procedures in QF-Test as well. You can find the implemented procedures in the package atomic of the test suite qftest-9.0.1/demo/keywords/SimpleAtomicKeywords.qft. In case you choose this approach you can also think about using the automated procedure generation (see chapter 27).

The next section describes how to use dynamic procedures. This means that we will still write atomic component-oriented procedures in our test-plan, but there will be no need to create a procedure for each and every step or component. Instead of individual procedures we will create procedures like clickButton or setText. Those procedures will then be re-used every time.