Unit Tests
With Unit Tests, i.e. component tests, you can check the functional units. They explicitly test the functionality of single components. For this reason they are much less complex compared to integration and system tests.
The Unit test node executes Unit Tests via the JUnit framework as part of a QF-Test test run. The results are available in the run log as well as in the report. In section 29.5 you find information on how to include QF-Test test suites into existing JUnit tests.
The tests can be started from two possible sources: Java classes containing the JUnit test cases or Unit Tests scripted directly in QF-Test. The parameters of the node vary with the use case.
The JUnit 5 framework is used to execute the tests. This enables executing JUnit 5 Tests using the JUnit Jupiter engine as well as executing JUnit 4 and JUnit 3 tests using the JUnit Vintage engine. With JUnit 5 you can use features like parameterized tests, nested tests and test with a different display name.
Java Classes as the Source for the Unit Test
It is possible to execute Unit Tests from Jar or Class files. It is also possible to execute Unit Tests that are available from the SUT's runtime. QF-Test executes the tests of the test classes specified in the respective attribute of the Unit test node. In the report they will be displayed as test steps within a test case. The following example demonstrates the usage of a Unit test node with Java test classes.

package de.qfs.test; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class StringTest { @Test public void testubstring() { String s = new String("Long text"); s = s.substring(5, 9; assert("text".equals(s)); } @Test public void testReplace() { String s = new String("example"); s = s.replace('e', 'i'); Assert.assertEquals("ixampli", s); } }
The class de.qfs.test.StringTest must exist in the unittests.jar specified in the Classpath attribute. The path is determined relative to the path of the directory of the current suite. In this example the jar file is in the same directory as the suite.
JUnit test classes are Java classes where the methods have the @Test
The Unit test node executes all classes specified in the Test classes table.
Thus a Unit test node can execute several test classes.
Basics of the Test Scripts
The second option to execute Unit Tests is to script the Unit Test directly in the Unit test node. You can use any of the Script languages QF-Test offers. The most appropriate one is Groovy because it supports the Java annotations. The JUnit framework is used to execute the scripts.
Groovy Unit Tests
static void onbefore(){
println("Set Up")
void indexOutOfBoundsAccess() {
def numbers = [1,2,3,4]
void noFailure() {
assert true
In Groovy the required JUnit 4 classes are automatically imported at run-time.
Just like in Java all tests with the @Test
annotation will be executed.
You can ignore expected exceptions using the expected
parameter of the
The methods with the @BeforeClass
annotation will be executed before
the test methods will be run.
Jython Unit Tests
def setUp(self):
print "Set Up"
def testMathCeil(self):
import math
self.assertEqual(2, math.ceil(1.01))
self.assertEqual(1, math.ceil(0.5))
self.assertEqual(0, math.ceil(-0.5))
self.assertEqual(-1, math.ceil(-1.1))
def testMultiplication(self):
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.3, 0.1 * 3)
Because Jython does not support Java annotations, the tests run as JUnit 3 tests.
All methods beginning with the keyword test
are considered to be a test and executed as QF-Test checks.
The methods must have the self
parameter because they are automatically enclosed in a class.
The setUp
method is executed at the beginning of each test.
JavaScript Unit test
print("Set up");
tearDown() {
print("Tear Down");
let s = "text";
assertEquals("TEXT", s.toUpperCase());
testOk() {
Also JavaScript does not support Java annotations, the tests are executed as JUnit-3 Tests
(cf. subsection 12.2.2).
Just like in Jython all functions beginning with the keyword tests
are executed as QF-Test checks.
It is possible to use the Unit Test node for the so called Live Tests. In this case the Unit Tests are executed in the running SUT. Using 'Injections' the Unit Tests inject QF-Test objects like WebDriver, components and variables into the Unit Tests or scripts directly.
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ComponentTest
/** The component to test in this unit test */
static JComponent component;
/** Expected value */
static String accessibleName;
public void accessibleNameIsCorrect()
/** component and accessible name are injected at run-time */
final String currentName =

The example shows the injection of two QF-Test objects: component and variable. The parameter "Field" corresponds
to the name of the field static JComponent component;
in the Java class.
The java field must be static
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class WebdriverTest
/** The driver of the window currently opened by QF-Test. */
static WebDriver driver;
public void urlIsCorrectedLoaded()
// driver is injected at run-time
final String currentUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl();
assertEquals("http://www.example.com", currentUrl);

This example shows how to inject a WebDriver object into a Java class.
When no value for the WebDriver driver
is specified QF-Test
determines the value via the given client.
Unit Tests in Report
The greatest benefit from using the Unit test node is that the results are displayed nicely formatted in the HTML report. All Unit Test classes executed via this node are considered QF-Test test cases. Unit test nodes should not be run separately. In order to see them correctly displayed in the HTML report, run them as part of a Test case. Each test method is handled like a QF-Test check, e.g. a failed check does not abort the tests execution.