Second Test case - with Error
The second test case will show us what happens when an error occurs during test execution.
- ActionExpand the test case "Second (with Error)".

Apart from the third test step it is identical to the first test case. So what does this one do?
Test step: Grant 10% discount - Writes the value 10 into the discount field.
The 'Input' node is another basic action node and can be created directly via the QF-Test recording function.
- Action Expand the Test step: Grant 10% Discount.

Let's execute the second test case:
- ActionSelect the node Test case: "Second (with Error)".
Click the replay button
This time a dialog shows up telling us that an error occurred.

What happened? To find out we'll open the QF-Test run log for error analysis.
An alternative approach for error analysis would be to execute the test case again using the debugger. This will be explained in chapter Using the Debugger (Java).