Regular expressions

The regular expressions that you can use in the search and replace dialogs and in places like the Feature attributes, the Primary index of an Item node or in checks all use standard Java regexp syntax.

8.0+ Before QF-Test version 3.1 the default was the GNU regexp package. After that it was available as an option. In QF-Test 8.0 the GNU Regexp package was removed from QF-Test.

Detailed regexp documentation with links to further information and even a whole book about regular expressions are provided in the Java documentation for the class java.util.regex.Pattern at http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html. It's also worth to have a look at the Wikipedia article about regular expressions.
Following is a short summary of the basics:


QF-Test allows you to use the context menu item »Escape text for regular expressions« on all attributes which allow regular expressions in order to escape special characters of regular expressions correctly with '\'. When it is not possible to use that functionality, for example with variables, you can use the special syntax ${quoteregexp:$(myVariable)} to excape special characaters in the variable value, see Special groups.