Accessibility Testing

QF-Test supports accessibility testing for web applications based on the WCAG guidelines (https://www.wcag.com or https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/web-accessibility). Deque Systems has developed a library (axe-core) for these guidelines, which provides methods that control the implementation of part of this set of rules (https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/html/).

QF-Test provides the procedure runAxeChecks for access to the axe-core library. This means that the entire functionality of axe-core can be used in QF-Test - without additional programming effort. Parameters are used to control which rules are applied and which areas of a website are to be checked. QF-Test offers additional features:

As QF-Test has full access to HTML elements and can simulate user actions, it has the potential to provide checks that go beyond axe-core. In the first step, we offer a check of color contrasts of simple graphic elements like icons using the checkColorContrastSimpleGraphics procedure. It is located in the same package in the standard library as the above-mentioned procedure runAxeChecks and it implements the same structure for the run log

Note The term a11y used in the procedure names is a commonly used abbreviation of the word "accessibility" ("A" + 11 characters + "y").

General parameters of the check functions

Axe-checks with QF-Test

Color contrast check for simple graphics

A11y run logs and reports