Imbus TestBench


The current integration of QF-Test and the TestBench consists of two parts:

You can find all required libraries and test suites in the folder qftest-9.0.0/ext/testbench/Version_1.1_TestBench_2.3. Please take care to copy all test suites to a project-related folder first and modify them there.

The following section provides a short overview about the integration concept.

Creating QF-Test template from interactions

After planning your tests and designing the interactions in the TestBench, you can create a template QF-Test file using the QF-Test export plug-in for interactions. Imbus will provide all required information, how to install this plugin.

After exporting the interactions you will find all interactions as procedures and their structure as packages in the QF-Test file. Now you can start recording the respective steps in QF-Test and fill the empty procedures.

The completed file has to be saved in your project-specific test suite folder, because this file should be used as input file for the test execution later. We recommend to use a project-specific location, perhaps a shared network drive or the version management system.

Importing test execution results

For running tests you need specific test cases and procedures, which can be found in the provided test suites in the folder qftest-9.0.0/ext/testbench/Version_1.1_TestBench_2.3/suite. Please take care to copy all test suites to a project-related folder first and modify them there.

You can also find a demo implementation for the CarConfigurator in the folder qftest-9.0.0/ext/testbench/Version_1.1_TestBench_2.3/suite/demo. You have to take care that you need to include the test suite TestBench_Automation.qft to your test suite. If you have created procedures via the iTEP exporting as described in chapter subsection 28.2.2 you will need to include that test suite as well.

The next step is to adapt the configuration for the output files. This can be achieved by modifying the files testaut.properties and user.properties.

Now you are ready to call the test case Standalone test executor from TestBench_Automation.qft.

When the test run has been completed, you can import all those results using the iTEP or iTORX import plug-in into the TestBench. The single QF-Test run logs will then be attached to the test-instances.