Dear QF-Test users and interested parties,

Have a good start after the "summer break"!

We would like to invite you to our latest free QF-Test special webinar in the end of September. 

Your QFS Team

Find the keys - UI test automation needs robust component recognition

Component recognition in QF-Test is quite flexible. In addition to standard controls like buttons or checkboxes it also supports complex components (dynamic trees, tables etc.).

This webinar shows the basics of this algorithm and configuration options for Java and Web applications. We will explain how to achieve robust component recognition and provide an outlook on future concepts.


Monday, Sept. 28, 2020
14.30 - approx. 15.30 CEST
Find the keys - UI test automation needs robust component recognition
(German version in the morning)

Reserve your seat for the next special webinar which is for free via or +49 8171 38648-10. You will have the possibility to ask questions.

We're using GoToMeeting, you can do a system check before you use it for the first time. Further information on our services can be found on training and consulting.

Upcoming special webinars

Monday, November 23, 2020
14.30 - approx. 15.30 CET

PDF Testing with QF-Test

After having released QF-Test for WebswingQF-Test and Webswing