With QF-Test you can test any Java Swing and AWT applications.

  • Java Swing
  • AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
  • Applets
  • WebStart
  • Netbeans Platform
  • ULC (UltraLightClient)
  • JIDE Common Layer components
  • RIA (Rich Internet Application)
  • Spring Rich Client Project
  • Integrated browser components like JxBrowser
  • WebSwing
  • Combinations with JavaFX
  • Load tests on local and remote machines
  • QF-Test supports Java Swing specifically WebView, JxBrowser, Webswing and JPro cross-platform on Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • QF-Test itself is based on Java and therefore offers the best possible support for your Java Swing applications.

What is QF-Test particularly good at when testing Java Swing / AWT?

Java Icon
Testing of Swing applications in all forms and combinations
  • QF-Test supports Java Swing since its release in 1999 and really knows all the challenges and pitfalls
  • All technology combinations (JavaFX, WebStart, Embeded Browser, WebSwing)
  • Robust test execution through "soft events" independent of system events
Hierarchy Icon
Full support of complex structures
  • High test stability due to clean event synchronization
  • Intelligent component recognition on hierarchy level, independent of geometric arrangements
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Tests on all platforms

With QF-Test Java Swing / AWT applications can be tested cross-platform on:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS
API Icon
Access to the entire Java Swing API

The following scripting languages allow full access to objects of the Java Swing application under test:

  • Jython
  • Groovy
  • JavaScript

"The support of various Swing GUI elements, including complex elements such as tables, trees, etc., is very good. For requirements going beyond this, QF-Test offers the possibility to extend the functionality individually via various interfaces (using Groovy or Jython as script language). These extensions integrate seamlessly into the clear and well thought-out operating concept of QF-Test.

QF-Test is robust, even local test runs cannot be disturbed by parallel work. For the integration into a CI system, in our case Jenkins is used, QF-Test can be operated in batch mode.

QF-Test has extensive documentation, questions are answered extremely quickly by the very competent and courteous support team!"

Gerhard Kaltstaller

eMundo GmbH, Salzburg, Austria



"Thank you very much, QF-Test works great. QF-Test is a very good tool to create and maintain Swing tests."

Jeff Grimshaw, Senior Software Developer

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Java Swing - quo vadis Oracle?

  • Oracle will continue to develop Swing as the core of Java SE technology across all supported releases.
  • The Java Swing GUI toolkit is and will remain part of Java SE 8, which will be supported at least until December 2030.
  • It is also included as the Java Swing module java.desktop.jmod in Java 11, which Oracle will support until September 2026.

Further information

Testing Java Swing with QF-Test

Do you also want to test your Java Swing application?

Then use QF-Test for quality assurance of your Java Swing software!

Just contact us via phone + 49 8171 38648-10 or via service@remove-this.qfs.de that we can make an appointment for a demo webinar with one of our experienced experts.

Articles about QF-Test for JavaFX