Setup and configuration  
Easy installation, also for non-programmers
Technology support  
Web applications
Java applications
Windows applications

Android applications

iOS applications

Combined/hybrid applications
Target user group  
Capture & replay  
Recording of actionsFirefox Plugin, restricted
Recording of checksrestricted
Direct editing of recorded steps
Component recognition  
Robust object identification
Central GUI object map GUI objectshave to be managed on code level
Generic GUI object classes
Easy direct item access e. g. trees, tables
Use of XPath expressions
Automatic GUI object synchronization
Support for dynamic ids  
Robust recognition
Explicit support for several popular web GUI component
Test run analysis and reporting  
Easy-to-read run logs
Configurable reports
Easy maintenance
Modularization / reusability  
Easy modularization and reusabilityRequires objectoriented
programming knowledge
Data-driven testing  
Easy definition and integration of data sources
IDE integration / headless testing  
Eclipse plugin
Headless testing
Comprehensive documentation
Video tutorials
Support services  
Professional support from the authors
Training/Consulting from the authors
Free Special webinars on important topics
Free LicenseCommercial license


This special video shows the differences between QF‑Test and Selenium

More about Web Testing

"After two mayor versions we abandoned Selenium due to this high maintenance effort."
learn more

Attila Enez, Tester

Hamburger Pensionsverwaltung, Hamburg, Deutschland

"I find it is a shame that my technical peers never experienced the productivity gains we experienced using your product (QF-Test). Many have difficulties envisioning a painless Test Automation experience.

They 'know' that Test Automation is extremely hard and expensive since all they ever used were Selenium and other wrapper tools around Selenium that require some programming knowledge. Your product could be a game changer in so many organizations."

Liviu-Aurelian Rau-Neascu, Senior Technical Analyst

Bucharest, Romania

Selenium vs. QF-Test

Which one fits to my team and our requirements best?

  • Instead of an either-or-question we recommend using the benefits of both tools. With Selenium (or the extension Selenium IDE) you can you can, for example, work when dialogues play a minor role in the system test. However, QF-Test is better suited for dialogues.
  • Also you can only use Web tests with Selenium in Firefox or Chrome (playback is also possible in more browsers). QF-Test supports additional browsers for web tests (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) and Internet Explorer; also 64bit) as well as the headless browser versions of Chrome, Firefox and Edge (Chromium based) and is easier to handle for testers.
  • You can even integrate your existing Java based Selenium tests in QF-Test and since QF-Test version 4.1 develop combined Selenium/QF-Test tests. Whenever bugs occur testers and developers can communicate quickly and have a common basis for the same target of a high quality software.

Why should I pay for a commercial tool instead of using a freeware tool?

The tool price is only a small part of the test project costs. The main part is the personnel costs, i.e. the effectiveness with which tests can be implemented and maintained is the most decisive factor. This is not taken into account in the pure tool price consideration. In addition, the test tool pays for itself after approximately 3 test cycles. Further information on testautomation and ROI

QF-Test in camparison

Compared to this competing products, QF-Test offers various advantages as a mature tool for test automation.

QF-Test vs. Cypress

QF-Test vs. Playwright