Comment obtenir une mise en place efficace pour mon application Java, Web, Windows ou document PDF ?
The Quickstart Wizard Java
This video shows the creation of a setup sequence with QF-Test. This sequence allows to start your Java application as System under Test (SUT) from QF-Test.
The Quickstart Wizard Web
This sequence allows starting your web application as System under Test (SUT).
Testing Windows applications
Testing PDF documents
When testing PDF documents all this is possible: Checking of content, texts, images/geometry and comparisons
Vous trouverez ici le tutoriel en version vidéo, dans lequel nous vous guidons pas à pas à travers QF-Test...
Working with a Sample Testsuite
Creating your own testsuite
Writing a procedure
Using the Debugger
Variables and Procedure Parameters
The Standard Library
Control structures
It's time to start your own application
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