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Parsing JSON

 JSON file

Especially when testing websites, you are now and then faced with the problem of having to parse JSON (=JavaScript Object Notation) strings. 
In this blog article, however, the JSON library provided by QF-Test should be described.

07. December 2020, Yann Spöri

Covid-19 and home office at QFS

Covid-19 Homeoffice Quality First Software

One of our colleagues tells about his experiences with Covid-19 and home office here at Quality First Software Gmbh in 2020.

12. November 2020, Mike Schmidt

Node Transformations in QF-Test

[Translate to English:] Node Conversion in QF-Test

QF-Test it is possible to transform a node into another node type.

This feature can be useful when

  • a certain action cannot be recorded, for example "Wait for component"

  • you want to insert actions similar to a recorded one: copy and convert can then be easier as performing a new recording.

03. November 2020, Yann Spöri

The comment node in QF-Test

Comment node in QF-Test

Since QF-Test 5.0.0 a new node was added, here you will learn how to use the comment node.

28. October 2020, Yann Spöri

WebSaga | Wake up!

Dependency in QF-Test for website testing

This is how it starts every night. I barely have a moment of rest until I'm clicked and checked again. But it's fun, I'm the website!

Here is the second article on how we test our website. We implement dependencies.

28. May 2020, Beáta Pázmány

Analyzing ComponentNot­FoundExceptions

ComponentNotFoundException QF-Test

In case QF-Test is unable to identify the corresponding component in the application a ComponentNotFoundException get's thrown. Whenever an exception occurs QF-Test (by default) logs a screenshot.

26. May 2020, Yann Spöri

WebSaga | Click click - it tickles

QF-Test Hero

Now it's time! Now I can introduce myself to the world. Here I am! Can you see me? Hi! I'm the new website,!

This will be a blog series on how we test our new web site.

14. May 2020, Beáta Pázmány