Against the Corona-Blues

Gregor Schmid on walking treadmill

A testimonial by "Mr. QF-Test" who recently started to place a walking pad under his desk so that his work on QF-Test is now done walking and he is so happy with it that he even volunteered to write a blog about it.

02. March 2021, Gregor Schmid

Change language in QF-Test

[Translate to English:] QF-Test language in English or German

QF-Test exists in German and English. You can switch the language in QF-Test. It is easy you just need to know how to change the language settings.

01. February 2021, Author unavailable

Logging the Chrome development console

Error logging of Web pages with QF-Test

Loading a web page in the browser and working with it may produce various errors. To log those errors you may use the linked test-suite.

15. January 2021, Plamen Vesselinov

Parsing JSON

 JSON file

Especially when testing websites, you are now and then faced with the problem of having to parse JSON (=JavaScript Object Notation) strings. 
In this blog article, however, the JSON library provided by QF-Test should be described.

07. December 2020, Yann Spöri

Covid-19 and home office at QFS

Covid-19 Homeoffice Quality First Software

One of our colleagues tells about his experiences with Covid-19 and home office here at Quality First Software Gmbh in 2020.

12. November 2020, Mike Schmidt

Node Transformations in QF-Test

[Translate to English:] Node Conversion in QF-Test

QF-Test it is possible to transform a node into another node type.

This feature can be useful when

  • a certain action cannot be recorded, for example "Wait for component"

  • you want to insert actions similar to a recorded one: copy and convert can then be easier as performing a new recording.

03. November 2020, Yann Spöri

The comment node in QF-Test

Comment node in QF-Test

Since QF-Test 5.0.0 a new node was added, here you will learn how to use the comment node.

28. October 2020, Yann Spöri