28. octobre 2019
Vraiment un 'Great Place to Work'? - Mon stage chez QFS

You are interested in QF-Test, you already have a trial version and/or want to know more about this company? Most of the time you can only catch a superficial glimpse of the companies on their websites. How the employees are and what it's like to work in this company is not really known. You may find an article or an award. Fantastic. But what is behind this appearance? I spent three weeks at QFS as an intern and would like to give you a little insight into the company behind the product.
A friendly salutation with “Hello” should not be missing. It is sad that today lots of people forget to do this, but at QFS it is still present that everyone greets everyone. Incidentally, this promotes the good working atmosphere and makes most people happy immediately.
I was aware that I would like to collect more experience in the field of business computer science before I start the studies. By prior circumstances I applied short-term at QFS and at the beginning of September I was happy to be invited to an application conversation. The conversation with Dr. Martina Schmid, Karlheinz Kellerer and Michael Höber was positive. They have spent lots of time to get to know me and discussed the further procedure with me. Because of that, the next day was on an unexpected way my first day at work at QFS and each spoke to the other by their first name.
At the first day of work I was really excited that I got the task to edit the subtitles of a YouTube video. Of course my work was checked and corrected and I have got constructive feedback from which I could learn well. Most of all surprised me, that I was allowed to attend a meeting. This is a very exciting experience for an intern. After the meeting they immediately asked if I had any questions to the technical terms or at all.
Next day was home-office-day. It was awesome that they gave me a task that filled the day and was controlled on the next day. Because there was a bit wrong, I was glad that I had the opportunity to correct it myself and to learn from it actively.
I was happy to see that everyone was included in the meal and kicker right from the beginning.
After the first few days of getting to know each other, the atmosphere thawed.
In general, it was noticeable that the working atmosphere is relaxed and laid back, yet constructive and everyone enjoys working there.
Market research are very interesting especially for intern to know which differences on websites of diverse companies are existing on the internet. This is not only of interest if you are purely working with websites. I guess lots of you know that - even when you are working in a different part of the company, where you do not work with websites that much - you want to know how your company presents itself on the internet and also how the presentation is in relation to other companies.
The first week was over too fast and I noticed with pleasure, while sitting on my workplace on Monday, that in between there were private conversations about the last weekend. After this short break, the work was even easier and faster done.
During the week a translation had to be done and after mentioning that I also enjoy working with languages, I soon had a second one to do. Yes! ;-)
I have never really been without work and was never bored. The various tasks were given to me at a comfortable interval. Every time when I had finished something, I have been already asked if I have something to do, I was given a new work to do or I just asked somebody.
From time to time I had chances to see what the different areas of responsibilities of QFS are doing and was not tied to one department.
There was also the opportunity of working with their test tool QF-Test.
Do know what the product of this company exactly does, but also to know what work is behind the product, is a great experience. I am sure that I can definitely benefit from it in the future.
My wish of having QFS as my training partner during the dual study course, could not be realized for reasons of capacity, but I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of this friendly, family and very human company for this three weeks.
Are there no negative experiences? Of course there are discussions between colleagues sometimes, but this is just human. There is no way of being always on one opinion. So the answer is: No. I have no negative experience with QFS. And everyone is always at your side in case of problems, be it professional or private, and support you.
Yes, you have read right. I was warmly received and QFS absolutely is a “Great Place to Work” without any doubt.
I wish you a wonderful day and hope that you are also able to work in such a wonderful setting.