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Écrire vos propres vérificateurs


While testing an application, one of the most important steps is to verify that the actual state of the application is correct.

16. avril 2019, Yann Spöri

Si vous voulez travailler en Allemagne, bienvenue chez nous


QFS (Quality First Software GmbH) is one of the best employers of the ITC industry in Germany and also in Bavaria. We are located in Leipzig and in Geretsried (that’s between Munich and the Alps at the Isar river) and have won the Great Place to Work award already two times now.

09. avril 2019, Martina Schmid

Accéder des sous-éléments des composants GUI

Accéder des sous-éléments des composants GUI

In most cases we are dealing with more or less straight-forward GUI components,such as buttons and text fields. Nevertheless we often have to deal with morecomplex GUI components like trees, tables and lists too. These GUI components have sub-items.

01. avril 2019, Yann Spöri

Cryptage des mots de passe

Inscription du mot de passe avec QF-Test

Les informations sensibles comme les mots de passe doivent être traitées avec précaution. Cependant, il arrive souvent que les tests doivent remplir un formulaire de connexion et qu'ils nécessitent donc de connaître le mot de passe.

05. mars 2019, Yann Spöri

Créer des rapports HTML/XML/Junit personnalisés

Rapport icône

Via le run-log, QF-Test fournit un journal détaillé des actions exécutées pendant un test. Les résultats globaux de ce journal peuvent être résumés dans d'autres rapports comme le rapport HTML/XML/Junit.

28. février 2019, Yann Spöri

Comment créer un appel de procédure?

Procedure Call

Procedures (also called function or subroutine) may be used in order to solve often (re-)occurring challenges. Like this, we may specify that certain successive actions are needed in order to solve a challenge (=programming a procedure). When we then encounter this challenge, we can simply call the procedure (and let the procedure solve this challenge for us).

22. février 2019, Yann Spöri

Capture & Relecture

Capture & Replay buttons

Even in early stages of development Capture & Replay offers a easy way to create tests. An early start of such regression tests and the assignment of unique names / IDs are the most important bases for efficient (due to stable recognition) test automation.

18. février 2019, Yann Spöri

Demander un devis

Request quotation QF-Test

You want to purchase QF-Test licenses or are interested in training or consulting? This works unbureaucratically.

12. février 2019, Author unavailable

Utiliser QF-Test comme calculateur

Calculator QF-Test

Sometimes it is necessary to perform mathematical calculations in QF-Test, e.g. in order to calculate the expected height of a GUI element in dependence of the complete window size or the exact clicking position for a mouse click.

05. février 2019, Yann Spöri